Status Quo
Going Down Town Tonight

I'm going down town tonight, I'm gonna find myself a dream
I'm gonna dress up right, and be the best they've ever seen
You can tell from their eyes, you can tell from their eyes
That they've never impressed, that they've never impressed
From the way they walk round, from the way they walk round
They are used to the best, they are used to the best

Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight

Why let them break you with their self-sophisticated grace
'Cos when the cards are low you see the smile come on their face
If you speak the right words, if you speak the right words
They will hear what you say, they will hear what you say
They will take your attention, just take your attention
And then turn away, and then turn away

Just one thing before you go my ladies of the night
Just one thing I have to say I've got you, and you're
Confident and debonair you move between the stars
Hungry for those staring eyes that feed your waking hours

Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight

The place has all run dry with lonely echoes of the night
And some walk home alone,while others find and hold on tight.
If you speak the right words, if you speak the right words
They will hear what you say, they will hear what you say
They will take your attention, just take your attention
And then turn away, and then turn away

Mirror lyrics:

And then turn away, and then turn away
They will take your attention, just take your attention
They will hear what you say, they will hear what you say
If you speak the right words, if you speak the right words
And some walk home alone,while others find and hold on tight.
The place has all run dry with lonely echoes of the night

Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight

Hungry for those staring eyes that feed your waking hours
Confident and debonair you move between the stars
Just one thing I have to say I've got you, and you're
Just one thing before you go my ladies of the night

And then turn away, and then turn away
They will take your attention, just take your attention
They will hear what you say, they will hear what you say
If you speak the right words, if you speak the right words
'Cos when the cards are low you see the smile come on their face
Why let them break you with their self-sophisticated grace

Going down town tonight, going down town tonight
Going down town tonight, going down town tonight

They are used to the best, they are used to the best
From the way they walk round, from the way they walk round
That they've never impressed, that they've never impressed
You can tell from their eyes, you can tell from their eyes
I'm gonna dress up right, and be the best they've ever seen
I'm going down town tonight, I'm gonna find myself a dream

Relevant Tags:
GGoing DDown TTown TTonight oing own own onight oGing oDwn oTwn oTnight hoing xown fown fonight hGoing xDown fTown fTonight Ghoing Dxown Tfown Tfonight
yoing eown 5own 5onight yGoing eDown 5Town 5Tonight Gyoing Deown T5own T5onight boing fown hown honight bGoing fDown hTown hTonight Gboing Dfown Thown Thonight
voing rown yown yonight vGoing rDown yTown yTonight Gvoing Drown Tyown Tyonight foing cown 6own 6onight fGoing cDown 6Town 6Tonight Gfoing Dcown T6own T6onight
toing sown gown gonight tGoing sDown gTown gTonight Gtoing Dsown Tgown Tgonight Gooing Doown rown ronight Ging Dwn rTown rTonight Giong Dwon Trown Tronight
Gking Dkwn Toown Toonight Gkoing Dkown Twn Tnight Goking Dokwn Twon Tnoight G9ing D9wn Tkwn Tknight G9oing D9own Tkown Tkonight Go9ing Do9wn Tokwn Toknight
G0ing D0wn T9wn T9night G0oing D0own T9own T9onight Go0ing Do0wn To9wn To9night Gling Dlwn T0wn T0night Gloing Dlown T0own T0onight Goling Dolwn To0wn To0night
Giing Diwn Tlwn Tlnight Gioing Diown Tlown Tlonight Goiing Doiwn Tolwn Tolnight Dowwn Tiwn Tinight Gong Don Tiown Tionight Gonig Donw Toiwn Toinight
Gojng Doan Towwn Tonnight Gojing Doawn Ton Toight Goijng Dowan Tonw Toinght Go9ng Do3n Toan Tomight Do3wn Toawn Tomnight Goi9ng Dow3n Towan Tonmight
Golng Dodn To3n Tohight Dodwn To3wn Tohnight Goilng Dowdn Tow3n Tonhight Goong Doen Todn Tojight Doewn Todwn Tojnight Goiong Dowen Towdn Tonjight
Gokng Dosn Toen Tobight Doswn Toewn Tobnight Goikng Dowsn Towen Tonbight Go8ng Do2n Tosn Toniight Go8ing Do2wn Toswn Tonght Goi8ng Dow2n Towsn Tongiht
Goung Doqn To2n Tonjght Gouing Doqwn To2wn Goiung Dowqn Tow2n Tonijght Goinng Downn Toqn Ton9ght Goig Dow Toqwn Ton9ight Goign Down Towqn Toni9ght
Goimg Dowm Townn Tonlght Goimng Dowmn Tow Tonlight Goinmg Downm Town Tonilght Goihg Dowh Towm Tonoght

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