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Come Rock With Me Rockin' On

Now don't you feel sorry, oh no, for me now
There's no need to worry about a clown
She played it cool made me a fool
Now all over town they call me the clown

And I really thought she loved me, but now, I know
And I still can't believe, it just goes to show
She played it cool made me a fool
Now all over town they call me the clown

I'm a clown, and they're laughing
I'm a clown, I got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me
I'm a clown, and they're laughing
I'm a clown, I've got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me

Now don't you feel sorry, oh no, for me now
There's no need to worry about a clown
She played it cool made me a fool
Now all over town they call me the clown

I'm a clown, and they're laughing
I'm a clown, I got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me
I'm a clown, and they're laughing
I'm a clown, I've got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me

I'm a clown, and they're laughing
I'm a clown, I got nothing.....

Mirror lyrics:

I'm a clown, I got nothing.....
I'm a clown, and they're laughing

I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me
I'm a clown, I've got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me
I'm a clown, I got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing

Now all over town they call me the clown
She played it cool made me a fool
There's no need to worry about a clown
Now don't you feel sorry, oh no, for me now

I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me
I'm a clown, I've got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing at me
I'm a clown, I got nothing
I'm a clown, and they're laughing

Now all over town they call me the clown
She played it cool made me a fool
And I still can't believe, it just goes to show
And I really thought she loved me, but now, I know

Now all over town they call me the clown
She played it cool made me a fool
There's no need to worry about a clown
Now don't you feel sorry, oh no, for me now

Relevant Tags:
CCome RRock WWith MMe RRockin' OOn ome ock ith e ockin' n oCme oRck iWth eM oRckin' nO fome dock aith je dockin' kn fCome dRock aWith jMe dRockin' kOn
Cfome Rdock Waith Mje Rdockin' Okn xome 4ock 3ith ke 4ockin' 9n xCome 4Rock 3With kMe 4Rockin' 9On Cxome R4ock W3ith Mke R4ockin' O9n vome gock dith ne gockin' 0n
vCome gRock dWith nMe gRockin' 0On Cvome Rgock Wdith Mne Rgockin' O0n dome tock eith Mee tockin' ln dCome tRock eWith M tRockin' lOn Cdome Rtock Weith Me Rtockin' Oln
Coome 5ock sith Ms 5ockin' in Cme 5Rock sWith Mse 5Rockin' iOn Cmoe R5ock Wsith Mes R5ockin' Oin Ckme fock 2ith M3 fockin' Onn Ckome fRock 2With M3e fRockin' O
Cokme Rfock W2ith Me3 Rfockin' On C9me eock qith Mf eockin' Om C9ome eRock qWith Mfe eRockin' Omn Co9me Reock Wqith Mef Reockin' Onm C0me Roock Wiith Mr Roockin' Oh
C0ome Rck Wth Mre Rckin' Ohn Co0me Rcok Wtih Mer Rcokin' Onh Clme Rkck Wjth M4 Rkckin' Oj Clome Rkock Wjith M4e Rkockin' Ojn Colme Rokck Wijth Me4 Rokckin' Onj
Cime R9ck W9th Md R9ckin' Ob Ciome R9ock W9ith Mde R9ockin' Obn Coime Ro9ck Wi9th Med Ro9ckin' Onb Comme R0ck Wlth Mw R0ckin' Coe R0ock Wlith Mwe R0ockin'
Coem Ro0ck Wilth Mew Ro0ckin' Coje Rlck Woth Rlckin' Cojme Rlock Woith Rlockin' Comje Rolck Wioth Rolckin' Coke Rick Wkth Rickin'
Riock Wkith Riockin' Comke Roick Wikth Roickin' Cone Rocck W8th Rocckin' Conme Rok W8ith Rokin' Comne Rokc Wi8th Rokcin'
Comee Rofk Wuth Rofkin' Com Rofck Wuith Rofckin' Come Rocfk Wiuth Rocfkin' Coms Roxk Witth Roxkin' Comse Roxck Wih Roxckin'
Comes Rocxk Wiht Rocxkin' Com3 Rovk Wifh Rovkin' Com3e Rovck Wifth Rovckin' Come3 Rocvk Witfh Rocvkin' Comf Rodk Wi5h Rodkin'
Comfe Rodck Wi5th Rodckin'

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