Statler Brothers
It Should Have Been Me

(Don Reid)

Wedding invitations, long receiving line
A veil that covered your face, a smile that covered mine
The honeymoon in New York, the stressed-out credit card
The Cape Cod on the corner, the two kids in the yard.

It should've been you, it should've been me
It should've been the way things turned out to be
It could've been now, it could've been how
We both dreamed that it would be.

But we both know where dreams come true
In fairy tales they do
But in life havin' you
It should've been me.

--- Instrumental ---

Proms and birthday parties, ball games and high school plays
Holdin' hands and cryin' on graduation days.

It should've been you, it should've been me
It should've been the way things turned out to be
It could've been now, it could've been how
We both dreamed that it would be.

--- Instrumental ---

It should've been you, it should've been me
It should've been the way things turned out to be
It could've been now, it could've been how
We both dreamed that it would be.

It should've been me, it should've been me...

Mirror lyrics:

It should've been me, it should've been me...

We both dreamed that it would be.
It could've been now, it could've been how
It should've been the way things turned out to be
It should've been you, it should've been me

--- Instrumental ---

We both dreamed that it would be.
It could've been now, it could've been how
It should've been the way things turned out to be
It should've been you, it should've been me

Holdin' hands and cryin' on graduation days.
Proms and birthday parties, ball games and high school plays

--- Instrumental ---

It should've been me.
But in life havin' you
In fairy tales they do
But we both know where dreams come true

We both dreamed that it would be.
It could've been now, it could've been how
It should've been the way things turned out to be
It should've been you, it should've been me

The Cape Cod on the corner, the two kids in the yard.
The honeymoon in New York, the stressed-out credit card
A veil that covered your face, a smile that covered mine
Wedding invitations, long receiving line

(Don Reid)

Relevant Tags:
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8t ahould yave Bsen M3 8It aShould yHave Bseen M3e I8t Sahould Hyave Besen Me3 ut Shhould Haave B3en Mf uIt Sould Hve B3een Mfe Iut Sohuld Hvae Be3en Mef
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I5 Snould Hsve B4en Md I5t Snhould Hsave B4een Mde It5 Shnould Hasve Be4en Med Ih Sbould Hwve Bden Mw Iht Sbhould Hwave Bdeen Mwe Ith Shbould Hawve Beden Mew
Iy Sgould Hxve Bwen Iyt Sghould Hxave Bween Ity Shgould Haxve Bewen I6 Syould Havve I6t Syhould Hae It6 Shyould Haev Bene
Ig Shoould Habe Besn Igt Shuld Habve Itg Shuold Havbe Beesn Ir Shkuld Hace Be3n Irt Shkould Hacve Itr Shokuld Havce Bee3n
Sh9uld Hage Befn Sh9ould Hagve Sho9uld Havge Beefn Sh0uld Hafe Bern Sh0ould Hafve Sho0uld Havfe Beern
Shluld Havee Be4n Shlould Hav Sholuld Have Bee4n

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