Statler Brothers
Got Leavin' On Her Mind

(Jack Clement)

The longer I know her the more I can tell
My darling's not happy with me
The longer I know that I know her too well
The less love in her eyes I see.

'Cause she don't hold and kiss me
Like she did one time
I think my sweet baby's
Got leavin' on her mind.

--- Instrumental ---

The stronger I hold her the farther apart
My darling is growing from me
The danger of my darling breaking my heart
It's fast movin' in on me.

'Cause she don't hold and kiss me
Like she did one time
I think my sweet baby's
Got leavin' on her mind.

She don't hold and kiss me
Like she did one time
I think my sweet baby's
Got leavin' on her mind.

She don't hold and kiss me
Like she did one time
I think my sweet baby's
Got leavin' on her mind...

Mirror lyrics:

Got leavin' on her mind...
I think my sweet baby's
Like she did one time
She don't hold and kiss me

Got leavin' on her mind.
I think my sweet baby's
Like she did one time
She don't hold and kiss me

Got leavin' on her mind.
I think my sweet baby's
Like she did one time
'Cause she don't hold and kiss me

It's fast movin' in on me.
The danger of my darling breaking my heart
My darling is growing from me
The stronger I hold her the farther apart

--- Instrumental ---

Got leavin' on her mind.
I think my sweet baby's
Like she did one time
'Cause she don't hold and kiss me

The less love in her eyes I see.
The longer I know that I know her too well
My darling's not happy with me
The longer I know her the more I can tell

(Jack Clement)

Relevant Tags:
GGot LLeavin' OOn HHer MMind ot eavin' n er ind oGt eLavin' nO eHr iMnd hot keavin' kn jer jind hGot kLeavin' kOn jHer jMind Ghot Lkeavin' Okn Hjer Mjind
yot oeavin' 9n uer kind yGot oLeavin' 9On uHer kMind Gyot Loeavin' O9n Huer Mkind bot peavin' 0n ner nind bGot pLeavin' 0On nHer nMind Gbot Lpeavin' O0n Hner Mnind
vot Leeavin' ln ber Miind vGot Lavin' lOn bHer Mnd Gvot Laevin' Oln Hber Mnid fot Lsavin' in ger Mjnd fGot Lseavin' iOn gHer Gfot Lesavin' Oin Hger Mijnd
tot L3avin' Onn yer M9nd tGot L3eavin' O yHer M9ind Gtot Le3avin' On Hyer Mi9nd Goot Lfavin' Om Heer Mlnd Gt Lfeavin' Omn Hr Mlind Gto Lefavin' Onm Hre Milnd
Gkt Lravin' Oh Hsr Mond Gkot Lreavin' Ohn Hser Moind Gokt Leravin' Onh Hesr Miond G9t L4avin' Oj H3r Mknd G9ot L4eavin' Ojn H3er Go9t Le4avin' Onj He3r Miknd
G0t Ldavin' Ob Hfr M8nd G0ot Ldeavin' Obn Hfer M8ind Go0t Ledavin' Onb Hefr Mi8nd Glt Lwavin' Hrr Mund Glot Lweavin' Hrer Muind Golt Lewavin' Herr Miund
Git Leaavin' H4r Minnd Giot Levin' H4er Mid Goit Levain' He4r Midn Gott Lezvin' Hdr Mimd Go Lezavin' Hder Mimnd Got Leazvin' Hedr Minmd
Gof Leqvin' Hwr Mihd Goft Leqavin' Hwer Mihnd Gotf Leaqvin' Hewr Minhd Go5 Lesvin' Mijd Go5t He Got5 Leasvin' Her Minjd
Goh Lewvin' Hed Mibd Goht Mibnd Goth Leawvin' Herd Minbd Goy Lexvin' He4 Mindd Goyt Lexavin' Min Goty Leaxvin' Her4 Mind

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