Starlight Express
Race One

Heat one. Heat one. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two,
one. Trains gone! Four trains going for two final places. Greaseball and
Espresso are the early leaders with Nintendo pressing in third. Well, that's
not in the rule book. No-one messes with the champion! Up the nursery slope.
It's still Greaseball but Espresso's looking good! It's the double whammy
from Electra and the Champion! Across the high level, it's Greaseball,
Electra, Nintendo and Espresso. Nintendo takes Electra and Nintendo passes
Greaseball! Don't play with electricity - the champ leads - this is getting
hot! Nintendo must win. He's overdone it. Nintendo crashes! Winner of heat
one: Greaseball the diesel with Electra in second place. Greaseball and
Electra have a place in the final.

Mirror lyrics:

Electra have a place in the final.
one: Greaseball the diesel with Electra in second place. Greaseball and
hot! Nintendo must win. He's overdone it. Nintendo crashes! Winner of heat
Greaseball! Don't play with electricity - the champ leads - this is getting
Electra, Nintendo and Espresso. Nintendo takes Electra and Nintendo passes
from Electra and the Champion! Across the high level, it's Greaseball,
It's still Greaseball but Espresso's looking good! It's the double whammy
not in the rule book. No-one messes with the champion! Up the nursery slope.
Espresso are the early leaders with Nintendo pressing in third. Well, that's
one. Trains gone! Four trains going for two final places. Greaseball and
Heat one. Heat one. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two,

Relevant Tags:
RRace OOne ace ne aRce nOe dace kne dRace kOne Rdace Okne 4ace 9ne 4Race 9One R4ace O9ne gace 0ne gRace 0One
Rgace O0ne tace lne tRace lOne Rtace Olne 5ace ine 5Race iOne R5ace Oine face Onne fRace Oe Rface Oen eace Ome
eRace Omne Reace Onme Raace Ohe Rce Ohne Rcae Onhe Rzce Oje Rzace Ojne Razce Onje Rqce Obe Rqace Obne Raqce Onbe
Rsce Onee Rsace On Rasce One Rwce Ons Rwace Onse Rawce Ones

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