Reign In Us

You thought of us before the world began to breathe
You knew our names before we came to be
You saw the very day we fall away from You
and how desperately we need to be redeemed

Lord Jesus
come lead us
we're desperate for Your touch

Oh great and mighty one
with one desire we come
that You would reign that You would reign in us
we're offering up our lives
a living sacrifice
that You would reign that You would reign in us

Spirit of the living God fall fresh again
come search our hearts and purify our lives
we need Your perfect love we need Your discipline
we're lost unless You guide us with Your light

Lord Jesus
come lead us
we're desperate for Your touch

Oh great and mighty one
with one desire we come
that You would reign that You would reign in us
we're offering up our lives
a living sacrifice
that You would reign that You would reign in us

we cry out for Your life to revive us cry out
for Your love to define us cry out
for Your mercy to keep us
blameless until You return

oh great and mighty one
with one desire we come
that You would reign that You would reign in us
we're offering up our lives
a living sacrifice
that You would reign that You would reign in us
[2 x]

You would reign in us

So reign please reign in us
come purify our hearts
we need Your touch
come cleanse us like a flood
and send us out
so the world may know You reign You reign in us
[3 x]

Mirror lyrics:

[3 x]
so the world may know You reign You reign in us
and send us out
come cleanse us like a flood
we need Your touch
come purify our hearts
So reign please reign in us

You would reign in us

[2 x]
that You would reign that You would reign in us
a living sacrifice
we're offering up our lives
that You would reign that You would reign in us
with one desire we come
oh great and mighty one

blameless until You return
for Your mercy to keep us
for Your love to define us cry out
we cry out for Your life to revive us cry out

that You would reign that You would reign in us
a living sacrifice
we're offering up our lives
that You would reign that You would reign in us
with one desire we come
Oh great and mighty one

we're desperate for Your touch
come lead us
Lord Jesus

we're lost unless You guide us with Your light
we need Your perfect love we need Your discipline
come search our hearts and purify our lives
Spirit of the living God fall fresh again

that You would reign that You would reign in us
a living sacrifice
we're offering up our lives
that You would reign that You would reign in us
with one desire we come
Oh great and mighty one

we're desperate for Your touch
come lead us
Lord Jesus

and how desperately we need to be redeemed
You saw the very day we fall away from You
You knew our names before we came to be
You thought of us before the world began to breathe

Relevant Tags:
RReign IIn UUs eign n s eRign nI sU deign jn hs dReign jIn hUs Rdeign Ijn Uhs 4eign 9n 7s 4Reign 9In 7Us R4eign I9n U7s geign ln ks
gReign lIn kUs Rgeign Iln Uks teign on is tReign oIn iUs Rteign Ion Uis 5eign kn 8s 5Reign kIn 8Us R5eign Ikn U8s feign 8n js fReign 8In jUs
Rfeign I8n Ujs eeign un ys eReign uIn yUs Reeign Iun Uys Inn Uss Rign I U Riegn In Us Rsign Im Uz Rseign Imn Uzs Resign Inm Usz
R3ign Ih Uw R3eign Ihn Uws Re3ign Inh Usw Rfign Ij Ud Uds Refign Inj Usd Rrign Ib Ue Rreign Ibn Ues Rerign Inb Use R4ign Ux
Uxs Re4ign Usx Rdign Ua Uas Redign Usa Rwign Rweign Rewign Reiign Regn

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