Stephen Bishop
Separate Lives

You called me from the room in your hotel
All full of romance with someone that you'd met
And telling me how sorry you were, leavin' so soon
And that you miss me sometimes, when you're alone in your room
Do I feel lonely too?

You have no right to ask me how I feel
You have no right to speak to me so kind
I can go on, holding on to time
Now that were living separate lives

I held on to let you go
And if you lost your love for me, you'll never let it show
There was no way to compromise
So now we're living separate lives

Ooh, it's so difficult, love leads to isolation
So you build that wall, so you build that wall
And you make it stronger

You have no right to ask me how I feel
You have no right to speak to me so kind
Some day I might find myself looking in your eyes
But for now, we'll go on living separate lives
Yes for now, we'll go on living separate lives
Separate lives

Mirror lyrics:

Separate lives
Yes for now, we'll go on living separate lives
But for now, we'll go on living separate lives
Some day I might find myself looking in your eyes
You have no right to speak to me so kind
You have no right to ask me how I feel

And you make it stronger
So you build that wall, so you build that wall
Ooh, it's so difficult, love leads to isolation

So now we're living separate lives
There was no way to compromise
And if you lost your love for me, you'll never let it show
I held on to let you go

Now that were living separate lives
I can go on, holding on to time
You have no right to speak to me so kind
You have no right to ask me how I feel

Do I feel lonely too?
And that you miss me sometimes, when you're alone in your room
And telling me how sorry you were, leavin' so soon
All full of romance with someone that you'd met
You called me from the room in your hotel

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