Everything To Me

Everything to Me

More than feelings and emotions
More than just a passing flame
I am tired of pretending
So tired of the games
More than going through the motions
More than all this compromise

More than proof of Your existence
More than trusting what I see
All I need to know for this life
Is that You're alive in me
More than answers to my questions
More than doubting needs resolve

I want You to be
Everything to me
Inside my thoughts
and through my life
I want to know Your peace

I want You to be
Everything to me
No rival throne
No equal love
No other to compete

More than living life in comfort
More than what You do for me
Would You teach me Lord to listen?
Would You draw me to my knees?
More than anything I lived for
More than all my hopes and dreams

Be all my hope
Be all my desire
May I be refined
Refined in Your fire
Lord all I want
And all that I need
Is for You to be everything to me

Mirror lyrics:

Is for You to be everything to me
And all that I need
Lord all I want
Refined in Your fire
May I be refined
Be all my desire
Be all my hope

More than all my hopes and dreams
More than anything I lived for
Would You draw me to my knees?
Would You teach me Lord to listen?
More than what You do for me
More than living life in comfort

No other to compete
No equal love
No rival throne
Everything to me
I want You to be

I want to know Your peace
and through my life
Inside my thoughts
Everything to me
I want You to be

More than doubting needs resolve
More than answers to my questions
Is that You're alive in me
All I need to know for this life
More than trusting what I see
More than proof of Your existence

More than all this compromise
More than going through the motions
So tired of the games
I am tired of pretending
More than just a passing flame
More than feelings and emotions

Everything to Me

Relevant Tags:
EEverything TTo MMe verything o e vEerything oT eM sverything fo je sEverything fTo jMe Esverything Tfo Mje 3verything 5o ke
3Everything 5To kMe E3verything T5o Mke fverything ho ne fEverything hTo nMe Efverything Tho Mne rverything yo Mee rEverything yTo M
Erverything Tyo Me 4verything 6o Ms 4Everything 6To Mse E4verything T6o Mes dverything go M3 dEverything gTo M3e Edverything Tgo Me3
wverything ro Mf wEverything rTo Mfe Ewverything Tro Mef Evverything Too Mr Eerything T Mre Eevrything To Mer Eberything Tk M4
Ebverything Tko M4e Evberything Tok Me4 Ecerything T9 Md Ecverything T9o Mde Evcerything To9 Med Egerything T0 Mw Egverything T0o Mwe
Evgerything To0 Mew Eferything Tl Tlo Evferything Tol Eveerything Ti Evrything Tio Evreything Toi
Evsrything Evserything Evesrything Ev3rything Ev3erything Eve3rything Evfrything
Evefrything Evrrything Evrerything Everrything Ev4rything Ev4erything Eve4rything
Evdrything Evderything Evedrything Evwrything Evwerything Evewrything Eveything
Eveyrthing Evedything Everdything Eve4ything Ever4ything Evegything Evegrything
Evergything Evetything Evetrything Evertything Eve5ything Eve5rything Ever5ything
Evefything Everfything Eveeything Evereything Everyything Everthing Evertyhing
Evergthing Everygthing Everhthing Everhything Everyhthing Ever6thing

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