Stan Bush

Sometimes when your hopes have all been shattered,
there's nowhere to turn.
You wonder how you keep going (going).
Think of all the things that really matter,
and the chances you've earned.
The fire in your heart is growing (growing).
You can fly if you try leaving the past behind.
Heaven only knows what you might find.

Dare to believe you can survive.
You hold the future in your hand.
Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
It's time to take a stand.
You can win if you dare.

Everybody's trying to break your spirit,
keeping you down.
Seems like it's been forever (ever). Oh!
There's another voice if you'll just hear it,
saying it's the last time
Looks like it's now or never.
Out of the darkness you stumble into the light.
Fighting for the things you know are right.

Dare to believe you can survive.
The power is there at your command.
Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
It's time to take a stand.
You can win if you dare (dare) (dare).

Dare to believe you can survive.
You hold the future in your hand.
Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
The power is there at your command.
Oh! Dare.
Dare to keep all your love alive.
Dare to be all that you can be.
There is a place where dreams survive.
It's calling you on to victory
Ooooo Ohhh.

Mirror lyrics:

Ooooo Ohhh.
It's calling you on to victory
There is a place where dreams survive.
Dare to be all that you can be.
Dare to keep all your love alive.
Oh! Dare.
The power is there at your command.
Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
You hold the future in your hand.
Dare to believe you can survive.

You can win if you dare (dare) (dare).
It's time to take a stand.
Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
The power is there at your command.
Dare to believe you can survive.

Fighting for the things you know are right.
Out of the darkness you stumble into the light.
Looks like it's now or never.
saying it's the last time
There's another voice if you'll just hear it,
Seems like it's been forever (ever). Oh!
keeping you down.
Everybody's trying to break your spirit,

You can win if you dare.
It's time to take a stand.
Dare to keep all your dreams alive.
You hold the future in your hand.
Dare to believe you can survive.

Heaven only knows what you might find.
You can fly if you try leaving the past behind.
The fire in your heart is growing (growing).
and the chances you've earned.
Think of all the things that really matter,
You wonder how you keep going (going).
there's nowhere to turn.
Sometimes when your hopes have all been shattered,

Relevant Tags:
DDare are aDre xare xDare Dxare eare eDare Deare fare fDare
Dfare rare rDare Drare care cDare Dcare sare sDare Dsare Daare
Dre Drae Dzre Dzare Dazre Dqre Dqare Daqre Dsre Dasre Dwre
Dware Dawre Dxre Daxre Darre

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