Star Of Ash
The World Spins For You

The higher her screams
the less you hear
when at last
her words bear meaning

And so their story goes
like and invisible thread
This imperfection between
their fragile hearts

Mirror lyrics:

their fragile hearts
This imperfection between
like and invisible thread
And so their story goes

her words bear meaning
when at last
the less you hear
The higher her screams

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWorld SSpins FFor YYou he orld pins or ou hTe oWrld pSins oFr oYu fhe aorld zpins cor gou fThe aWorld zSpins cFor gYou Tfhe Waorld Szpins Fcor Ygou
5he 3orld wpins ror hou 5The 3World wSpins rFor hYou T5he W3orld Swpins Fror Yhou hhe dorld dpins gor 6ou hThe dWorld dSpins gFor 6You Thhe Wdorld Sdpins Fgor Y6ou
yhe eorld epins tor uou yThe eWorld eSpins tFor uYou Tyhe Weorld Sepins Ftor Yuou 6he sorld xpins vor 7ou 6The sWorld xSpins vFor 7You T6he Wsorld Sxpins Fvor Y7ou
ghe 2orld apins dor jou gThe 2World aSpins dFor jYou Tghe W2orld Sapins Fdor Yjou rhe qorld Sppins Foor tou rThe qWorld Sins Fr tYou Trhe Wqorld Sipns Fro Ytou
Woorld S0ins Fkr Yoou Te Wrld S0pins Fkor Yu Teh Wrold Sp0ins Fokr Yuo Tje Wkrld Slins F9r Yku Tjhe Wkorld Slpins F9or Ykou Thje Wokrld Splins Fo9r Yoku
Tue W9rld Soins F0r Y9u Tuhe W9orld Sopins F0or Y9ou Thue Wo9rld Spoins Fo0r Yo9u Tne W0rld Spiins Flr Y0u Tnhe W0orld Spns Flor Y0ou Thne Wo0rld Spnis Folr Yo0u
Tbe Wlrld Spjns Fir Ylu Tbhe Wlorld Spjins Fior Ylou Thbe Wolrld Spijns Foir Yolu Tge Wirld Sp9ns Forr Yiu Wiorld Sp9ins Fo Yiou Thge Woirld Spi9ns For Yoiu
Tye Worrld Splns Fod Youu Wold Fodr Yo Thye Wolrd Spilns Ford You Thee Wodld Spons Fo4 Yoh Th Wodrld Fo4r Yohu The Wordld Spions For4 Youh
Ths Wo4ld Spkns Fog Yo7 Thse Wo4rld Spkins Fogr Yo7u

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