Stacey Kent
Isn't This A Lovely Day

The weather is fright'ning

The thunder and lightning

Seem to be having their way

But as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day

The turn in the weather

Will keep us together

So I can honestly say

That as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day

And everything's okay

Isn't this a lovely day

To be caught in the rain?

You were going on your way

Now you've got to remain

Just as you were going

Leaving me all at sea

The clouds broke, they broke

And oh, what a break for me

I can see the sun up high

Tho' we're caught in the storm

I can see where you and I

Could be cozy and warm

Let the rain pitter patter

But it really doesn't matter

If the skies are gray

Long as I can be with you, it's a lovely day

I can see the sun up high

Tho' we're caught in the storm

I can see where you and I

Could be cozy and warm

Let the rain pitter patter

But it really doesn't matter

If the skies are gray

Long as I can be with you, it's a lovely day

Mirror lyrics:

Long as I can be with you, it's a lovely day

If the skies are gray

But it really doesn't matter

Let the rain pitter patter

Could be cozy and warm

I can see where you and I

Tho' we're caught in the storm

I can see the sun up high

Long as I can be with you, it's a lovely day

If the skies are gray

But it really doesn't matter

Let the rain pitter patter

Could be cozy and warm

I can see where you and I

Tho' we're caught in the storm

I can see the sun up high

And oh, what a break for me

The clouds broke, they broke

Leaving me all at sea

Just as you were going

Now you've got to remain

You were going on your way

To be caught in the rain?

Isn't this a lovely day

And everything's okay

That as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day

So I can honestly say

Will keep us together

The turn in the weather

But as far as I'm concerned, it's a lovely day

Seem to be having their way

The thunder and lightning

The weather is fright'ning

Relevant Tags:
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Ien't Tbis Locely Dxy Iesn't Tbhis Locvely Isen't Thbis Lovcely Daxy Ixn't Tgis Logely Dayy Ixsn't Logvely Da Isxn't Thgis Lovgely Day
Ian't Tyis Lofely Dag Iasn't Lofvely Dagy Isan't Thyis Lovfely Dayg Isnn't Thiis Loveely Dah Is't Ths Lovly Dahy Is'nt Thsi Lovley Dayh
Ism't Thjs Lovsly Da6 Ismn't Lovsely Da6y Isnm't Thijs Lovesly Day6

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