Sr 71
Another Night Alone

Alone again tonight
In this empty time
The sound in my head
The sight leaves me blind

I'll write a million words
I'll sing until it hurts
How far could this be
Until it's seen

How long will I let this go
I can't stand to spend another night alone


I stare at the empty walls
I speak, no one hears
I make every excuse
And blame my fears

How long will I let this go
I can't stand to spend another night alone

Alone (3x)

And all these shadows come to rest
In my head
I can't fear and I
I can't hear the things you said

There is a secret place
You'll find a bloodstained fence
It's there the future speaks
And She spoke to me

How long will I let this go
I can't stand to spend another night
Another night alone

Alone (3x)

Not another night alone

Another night alone


Mirror lyrics:


Another night alone

Not another night alone

Alone (3x)

Another night alone
I can't stand to spend another night
How long will I let this go

And She spoke to me
It's there the future speaks
You'll find a bloodstained fence
There is a secret place

I can't hear the things you said
I can't fear and I
In my head
And all these shadows come to rest

Alone (3x)

I can't stand to spend another night alone
How long will I let this go

And blame my fears
I make every excuse
I speak, no one hears
I stare at the empty walls


I can't stand to spend another night alone
How long will I let this go

Until it's seen
How far could this be
I'll sing until it hurts
I'll write a million words

The sight leaves me blind
The sound in my head
In this empty time
Alone again tonight

Relevant Tags:
AAnother NNight AAlone nother ight lone nAother iNght lAone znother might zlone zAnother mNight zAlone Aznother Nmight Azlone
qnother hight qlone qAnother hNight qAlone Aqnother Nhight Aqlone snother jight slone sAnother jNight sAlone Asnother Njight Aslone
wnother bight wlone wAnother bNight wAlone Awnother Nbight Awlone xnother Niight xlone xAnother Nght xAlone Axnother Ngiht Axlone
Annother Njght Allone Aother Aone Aonther Nijght Aolne Amother N9ght Akone Amnother N9ight Aklone Anmother Ni9ght Alkone
Ahother Nlght Aoone Ahnother Nlight Aolone Anhother Nilght Aloone Ajother Noght Apone Ajnother Noight Aplone Anjother Nioght Alpone
Abother Nkght Abnother Nkight Alne Anbother Nikght Alnoe Anoother N8ght Alkne Anther N8ight Antoher Ni8ght Alokne
Ankther Nught Al9ne Ankother Nuight Al9one Anokther Niught Alo9ne An9ther Nigght Al0ne An9other Niht Al0one Ano9ther Nihgt Alo0ne
An0ther Nihht Allne An0other Nihght Ano0ther Nighht Alolne Anlther Niyht Aline Anlother Niyght Alione Anolther Nigyht Aloine
Anither Nibht Alonne Aniother Nibght Aloe Anoither Nigbht Aloen Anotther Nivht Alome Anoher Nivght Alomne Anohter Nigvht Alonme
Anofher Nifht Alohe Anofther Nifght Alohne Anotfher Nigfht Alonhe Ano5her Nitht Aloje Ano5ther Nitght Alojne Anot5her Nigtht Alonje
Anohher Alobe Anohther Nigt Alobne Anothher Nigth Alonbe Anoyher Nigjt Alonee Anoyther Nigjht Alon Anotyher Nighjt Alone
Ano6her Nigut Alons Ano6ther Niguht Alonse

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