Stevie Wonder
What Christmas Means To Me

(Verse 1)
Oh yeah...
Candles burnin' low,
Lots of mistle toe.
Lots of snow and ice,
Everywhere we go.
Choirs singin' carols,
Right outside my door.

All these things and more
(All these things and more)
That's what Chrstmas means to me my love
(That's what Christmas means to me my love)

Oh yeah,
Ha ha yeah-eah-eah

(Verse 2)
And ya know what I mean
I see your smilin' face
Like I never seen before
Even though I love ya madly
It seems I love you more
And little cards you give me
Will touch my heart for sure

All these things and more, darling
(All these things and more)
That's what Chrstmas means to me my love
(That's what Christmas means to me my love)

(Verse 3)
Oh yeah ha ha!
I feel like runnin' wild
As anxious as a little child
Greet you 'neath the mistle toe
Kiss you once and then some more
And wish you a Merry Christmas baby
(Wish you a Merry Christmas baby)
And such happiness in the comin' year
Oh baby
Lets deck the halls with holly
Sing sweet silent night
Fill a tree with angel hair
And pretty, pretty lights
Go to sleep and wake up
Just before daylight

All these things and more, baby
(All these things and more)
That's what Chrismas means to me my love
(That's what Christmas means to me my love)
Oh baby baby!

(Candles burnin' low)
(Lots and lots of snow)

(Christmas bells are ringin')
(Christmas choirs singin')

(Christmas mistletoe)

Mirror lyrics:

(Christmas mistletoe)

(Christmas choirs singin')
(Christmas bells are ringin')

(Lots and lots of snow)
(Candles burnin' low)

Oh baby baby!
(That's what Christmas means to me my love)
That's what Chrismas means to me my love
(All these things and more)
All these things and more, baby

Just before daylight
Go to sleep and wake up
And pretty, pretty lights
Fill a tree with angel hair
Sing sweet silent night
Lets deck the halls with holly
Oh baby
And such happiness in the comin' year
(Wish you a Merry Christmas baby)
And wish you a Merry Christmas baby
Kiss you once and then some more
Greet you 'neath the mistle toe
As anxious as a little child
I feel like runnin' wild
Oh yeah ha ha!
(Verse 3)

(That's what Christmas means to me my love)
That's what Chrstmas means to me my love
(All these things and more)
All these things and more, darling

Will touch my heart for sure
And little cards you give me
It seems I love you more
Even though I love ya madly
Like I never seen before
I see your smilin' face
And ya know what I mean
(Verse 2)

Ha ha yeah-eah-eah
Oh yeah,

(That's what Christmas means to me my love)
That's what Chrstmas means to me my love
(All these things and more)
All these things and more

Right outside my door.
Choirs singin' carols,
Everywhere we go.
Lots of snow and ice,
Lots of mistle toe.
Candles burnin' low,
Oh yeah...
(Verse 1)

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