Stevie Wonder
Taboo To Love

Are you telling me you feel
Like you have never felt
Ut Oh, my heart
Don't you know those famous words
Be seen but not heard
Taboo to love

Are you telling me your eyes
Met hers to your surprise
But why, my heart?
How loud must you hear me say
Have fun but don't play
Taboo to love

Where's your lantern or candlelight
So to guide you through hidden spaces
Though its said truth unveils all lies
Feelings can't be left to roam

So you say you've lost your head
But you use your heart instead
Beware of love
This is not like you at all
Who vowed to never fall
Taboo to love, taboo to love
Taboo (background)
To love, taboo to love
Taboo (background)

Where's your raincoat and over-boots
To protect you in stormy weather
Though its said when you walk in truth
Love can bring you no harm

So you've made up in your mind
You'll leave your fears behind
So brave my heart
I guess your heart has made you see
Its better to be free
No taboo to love

I guess your heart has made you see
Its much better to be free
No Taboo to love
No taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
To love, no taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
To love, no taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
To love, no taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
No taboo to love

Mirror lyrics:

No taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
To love, no taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
To love, no taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
To love, no taboo to love
Taboo (Background)
No taboo to love
No Taboo to love
Its much better to be free
I guess your heart has made you see

No taboo to love
Its better to be free
I guess your heart has made you see
So brave my heart
You'll leave your fears behind
So you've made up in your mind

Love can bring you no harm
Though its said when you walk in truth
To protect you in stormy weather
Where's your raincoat and over-boots

Taboo (background)
To love, taboo to love
Taboo (background)
Taboo to love, taboo to love
Who vowed to never fall
This is not like you at all
Beware of love
But you use your heart instead
So you say you've lost your head

Feelings can't be left to roam
Though its said truth unveils all lies
So to guide you through hidden spaces
Where's your lantern or candlelight

Taboo to love
Have fun but don't play
How loud must you hear me say
But why, my heart?
Met hers to your surprise
Are you telling me your eyes

Taboo to love
Be seen but not heard
Don't you know those famous words
Ut Oh, my heart
Like you have never felt
Are you telling me you feel

Relevant Tags:
TTaboo TTo LLove aboo o ove aTboo oT oLve faboo fo kove fTaboo fTo kLove Tfaboo Tfo Lkove 5aboo 5o oove 5Taboo 5To oLove T5aboo T5o Loove
haboo ho pove hTaboo hTo pLove Thaboo Tho Lpove yaboo yo yTaboo yTo Lve Tyaboo Tyo Lvoe 6aboo 6o Lkve 6Taboo 6To T6aboo T6o Lokve
gaboo go L9ve gTaboo gTo L9ove Tgaboo Tgo Lo9ve raboo ro L0ve rTaboo rTo L0ove Traboo Tro Lo0ve Taaboo Too Llve Tboo T Llove Tbaoo To Lolve
Tzboo Tk Live Tzaboo Tko Liove Tazboo Tok Loive Tqboo T9 Lovve Tqaboo T9o Loe Taqboo To9 Loev Tsboo T0 Lobe Tsaboo T0o Lobve Tasboo To0 Lovbe
Twboo Tl Loce Twaboo Tlo Locve Tawboo Tol Lovce Txboo Ti Loge Txaboo Tio Logve Taxboo Toi Lovge Tabboo Lofe

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