Stevie Wonder
Tell Your Heart I Love You

You lift me to the sky
When I'm flat on the ground
You put me on a high
When I'm all the way down
And when trouble comes around
Trying to blow up the spot
You look it in the eye and say "I think not"

Tell your heart I love you
I love you, yes I do
Tell your heart I need you
You need to know its true
Don't nobody in the world love you like I do

You make me feel like a trillion bucks
When I don't even have a dime
You put a smile on my face
In a time I could be crying
And when negative comes around
With nothing good to say
You give it a stare that makes it get the hell away

Tell your heart I love you
I love you, yes I do
Tell your heart I need you
You need to know its true
Don't nobody in the world love you like I do

Long before my mind believed
My heart could not help but conceive
That I love you, yeah
And when my heart did suggest
My heart had already confessed
That I love you, love you, love you

Tell your heart I love you
I love you, yes I do
Tell your heart I need you
You need to know its true
Don't nobody in the world love you like I do

Mirror lyrics:

Don't nobody in the world love you like I do
You need to know its true
Tell your heart I need you
I love you, yes I do
Tell your heart I love you

That I love you, love you, love you
My heart had already confessed
And when my heart did suggest
That I love you, yeah
My heart could not help but conceive
Long before my mind believed

Don't nobody in the world love you like I do
You need to know its true
Tell your heart I need you
I love you, yes I do
Tell your heart I love you

You give it a stare that makes it get the hell away
With nothing good to say
And when negative comes around
In a time I could be crying
You put a smile on my face
When I don't even have a dime
You make me feel like a trillion bucks

Don't nobody in the world love you like I do
You need to know its true
Tell your heart I need you
I love you, yes I do
Tell your heart I love you

You look it in the eye and say "I think not"
Trying to blow up the spot
And when trouble comes around
When I'm all the way down
You put me on a high
When I'm flat on the ground
You lift me to the sky

Relevant Tags:
TTell YYour HHeart II LLove YYou ell our eart ove ou eTll oYur eHart I oLve oYu fell gour jeart j kove gou fTell gYour jHeart jI kLove gYou
Tfell Ygour Hjeart Ij Lkove Ygou 5ell hour ueart 9 oove hou 5Tell hYour uHeart 9I oLove hYou T5ell Yhour Hueart I9 Loove Yhou hell 6our neart l pove 6ou
hTell 6Your nHeart lI pLove 6You Thell Y6our Hneart Il Lpove Y6ou yell uour beart o uou yTell uYour bHeart oI Lve uYou Tyell Yuour Hbeart Io Lvoe Yuou
6ell 7our geart k Lkve 7ou 6Tell 7Your gHeart kI 7You T6ell Y7our Hgeart Ik Lokve Y7ou gell jour yeart 8 L9ve jou gTell jYour yHeart 8I L9ove jYou
Tgell Yjour Hyeart I8 Lo9ve Yjou rell tour Heeart u L0ve tou rTell tYour Hart uI L0ove tYou Trell Ytour Haert Iu Lo0ve Ytou Teell Yoour Hsart Llve Yoou
Tll Yur Hseart Llove Yu Tlel Yuor Hesart Lolve Yuo Tsll Ykur H3art Live Yku Tsell Ykour H3eart Liove Ykou Tesll Yokur He3art Loive Yoku
T3ll Y9ur Hfart Lovve Y9u T3ell Y9our Hfeart Loe Y9ou Te3ll Yo9ur Hefart Loev Yo9u Tfll Y0ur Hrart Lobe Y0u Y0our Hreart Lobve Y0ou
Tefll Yo0ur Herart Lovbe Yo0u Trll Ylur H4art Loce Ylu Ylour H4eart Locve Ylou Terll Yolur He4art Lovce Yolu T4ll Yiur Hdart Loge Yiu
T4ell Yiour Hdeart Logve Yiou Te4ll Yoiur Hedart Lovge Yoiu Tdll Youur Hwart Lofe Youu Tdell Yor Hweart Lofve Yo Tedll Yoru Hewart Lovfe You
Twll Yohr Heaart Lovee Yoh Twell Yohur Hert Lov Yohu Tewll Youhr Herat Love Youh Telll Yo7r Hezrt Lovs Yo7 Tel Yo7ur Hezart Lovse Yo7u
Tell You7r Heazrt Loves You7 Tekl Yokr Heqrt Lov3 Yok

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