Stevie Wonder
These Three Words

when was the last time that they heard you say
mother or father i love you
and when was the last time that they heard you say
daughter or son i love you
ones you say you cherish everyday
can instantly be taken away
then you say i know this cant be true
when you never took the time to simply tell them i love
when was the last time that they heard you say
sister or brother i love you
and when was the last time that they heard you say
darling or best friend i love you
the one for whom you'd give your very life
could be taken in the twinkling of an eye
through your tears you'd ask why did you go
knowing you didn't always show just how much you love them so
these three words sweet and simple
these three words short and kind
these three words always kindles
an aching heart to smile inside
i know a family who hasn't a cent to their name
and yet the joy and love they have between them
they always claim
and when ones called from life the surived morn the loss
and will never be the same
yet the rejoice in knowing they gave them their all
these three words sweet and simple
these three words short and kind
these three words always kindles an aching heart
to smile inside (repeat)

Mirror lyrics:

to smile inside (repeat)
these three words always kindles an aching heart
these three words short and kind
these three words sweet and simple
yet the rejoice in knowing they gave them their all
and will never be the same
and when ones called from life the surived morn the loss
they always claim
and yet the joy and love they have between them
i know a family who hasn't a cent to their name
an aching heart to smile inside
these three words always kindles
these three words short and kind
these three words sweet and simple
knowing you didn't always show just how much you love them so
through your tears you'd ask why did you go
could be taken in the twinkling of an eye
the one for whom you'd give your very life
darling or best friend i love you
and when was the last time that they heard you say
sister or brother i love you
when was the last time that they heard you say
when you never took the time to simply tell them i love
then you say i know this cant be true
can instantly be taken away
ones you say you cherish everyday
daughter or son i love you
and when was the last time that they heard you say
mother or father i love you
when was the last time that they heard you say

Relevant Tags:
TThese TThree WWords hese hree ords hTese hTree oWrds fhese fhree aords fThese fThree aWords Tfhese Tfhree Waords
5hese 5hree 3ords 5These 5Three 3Words T5hese T5hree W3ords hhese hhree dords hThese hThree dWords Thhese Thhree Wdords
yhese yhree eords yThese yThree eWords Tyhese Tyhree Weords 6hese 6hree sords 6These 6Three sWords T6hese T6hree Wsords
ghese ghree 2ords gThese gThree 2Words Tghese Tghree W2ords rhese rhree qords rThese rThree qWords Trhese Trhree Wqords
Woords Tese Tree Wrds Tehse Trhee Wrods Tjese Tjree Wkrds Tjhese Tjhree Wkords Thjese Thjree Wokrds
Tuese Turee W9rds Tuhese Tuhree W9ords Thuese Thuree Wo9rds Tnese Tnree W0rds Tnhese Tnhree W0ords Thnese Thnree Wo0rds
Tbese Tbree Wlrds Tbhese Tbhree Wlords Thbese Thbree Wolrds Tgese Tgree Wirds Wiords Thgese Thgree Woirds
Tyese Tyree Worrds Wods Thyese Thyree Wodrs Theese Thrree Wodds Thse Thee Wodrds Thsee There Wordds
Thsse Thdee Wo4ds Thsese Thdree Wo4rds Thesse Thrdee Wor4ds Th3se Th4ee Wogds

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