Stevie Wonder
Keep Our Love Alive

Feeble is the mind that says they don't care
Selfish is the heart that won't give their share
Poor them, Poor we
Wasted is the mind that won't take a stand
Lieth the tongue that says they can't when they can
Poor him, Poor she
For as long as we live,
And are blessed with air on earth to breathe
We all should live to keep our love alive
More than blinds the soul that sees but won't show
Lost the leader with the way but won't go
For you, For me
Worthless is the one with will but won't try
Grounded are we all if we don't think high
Of you, You of me
For as long as we live,
And are blessed with air on earth to breathe
We all should live to keep our love alive
Let's keep our love alive
For as long as I live,
And am blessed with air on earth to breathe
I know I'll live to keep our love alive.

Mirror lyrics:

I know I'll live to keep our love alive.
And am blessed with air on earth to breathe
For as long as I live,
Let's keep our love alive
We all should live to keep our love alive
And are blessed with air on earth to breathe
For as long as we live,
Of you, You of me
Grounded are we all if we don't think high
Worthless is the one with will but won't try
For you, For me
Lost the leader with the way but won't go
More than blinds the soul that sees but won't show
We all should live to keep our love alive
And are blessed with air on earth to breathe
For as long as we live,
Poor him, Poor she
Lieth the tongue that says they can't when they can
Wasted is the mind that won't take a stand
Poor them, Poor we
Selfish is the heart that won't give their share
Feeble is the mind that says they don't care

Relevant Tags:
KKeep OOur LLove AAlive eep ur ove live eKep uOr oLve lAive leep kur kove zlive lKeep kOur kLove zAlive Kleep Okur Lkove Azlive
oeep 9ur oove qlive oKeep 9Our oLove qAlive Koeep O9ur Loove Aqlive meep 0ur pove slive mKeep 0Our pLove sAlive Kmeep O0ur Lpove Aslive
jeep lur wlive jKeep lOur Lve wAlive Kjeep Olur Lvoe Awlive ieep iur Lkve xlive iKeep iOur xAlive Kieep Oiur Lokve Axlive
Keeep Ouur L9ve Allive Kep Or L9ove Aive Keep Oru Lo9ve Ailve Ksep Ohr L0ve Akive Kseep Ohur L0ove Aklive Kesep Ouhr Lo0ve Alkive
K3ep O7r Llve Aoive K3eep O7ur Llove Aolive Ke3ep Ou7r Lolve Aloive Kfep Okr Live Apive Kfeep Liove Aplive Kefep Oukr Loive Alpive
Krep Oir Lovve Aliive Kreep Loe Alve Kerep Ouir Loev Alvie K4ep O8r Lobe Aljve K4eep O8ur Lobve Aljive Ke4ep Ou8r Lovbe Alijve
Kdep Ojr Loce Al9ve Kdeep Ojur Locve Al9ive Kedep Oujr Lovce Ali9ve Kwep Oyr Loge Allve Kweep Oyur Logve Kewep Ouyr Lovge Alilve
Ourr Lofe Alove Ou Lofve Kepe Our Lovfe Aliove

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