Stevie Wonder
Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away

They say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away
And just the pure at heart will walk her righteous streets someday
They say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away
But if there is a God, we need Him now
"Where is your God"
That's what my friends ask me
And I say it's taken Him so long
'Cause we've got so far to come...

Tell me people
Why can't they say that hate is 10 zillion light years away
Why can't the light of good shine God's love in every soul
Why must my color black make me a lesser man
I thought this world was made for every man
He loves us all, that's what my God tells me
And I say it's taken Him so long
'Cause we've got so far to come...

But in my heart I can feel it, yeah,
Feel His spirit wow oh woo...
Feel it, yeah, feel His spirit...

I... can't say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away
But if so let all be pure at heart
Just to walk her righteous streets I pray
Let God's love shine within to save our evil souls
For those who don't believe will never see the light
"Where is my God" - He lives inside of me
And I say it's taken Him so long
'Cause we've got so far to come...
No people, "where is your God?"
Inside please let Him be
And I say it's taken Him so long
'Cause we've got so far to come...

But if you open your heart you can feel it yeah yeah
Feel His spirit, yeah
Feel it, feel His spirit, wow oh wow...
Feel it, you can feel His spirit
I opened my heart one morning and
I sho nuff could feel it yeah yeah
Feel His spirit yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You can feel it, yeah, feel His spirit
You can feel it, yeah, feel His spirit

Mirror lyrics:

You can feel it, yeah, feel His spirit
You can feel it, yeah, feel His spirit
Feel His spirit yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I sho nuff could feel it yeah yeah
I opened my heart one morning and
Feel it, you can feel His spirit
Feel it, feel His spirit, wow oh wow...
Feel His spirit, yeah
But if you open your heart you can feel it yeah yeah

'Cause we've got so far to come...
And I say it's taken Him so long
Inside please let Him be
No people, "where is your God?"
'Cause we've got so far to come...
And I say it's taken Him so long
"Where is my God" - He lives inside of me
For those who don't believe will never see the light
Let God's love shine within to save our evil souls
Just to walk her righteous streets I pray
But if so let all be pure at heart
I... can't say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away

Feel it, yeah, feel His spirit...
Feel His spirit wow oh woo...
But in my heart I can feel it, yeah,

'Cause we've got so far to come...
And I say it's taken Him so long
He loves us all, that's what my God tells me
I thought this world was made for every man
Why must my color black make me a lesser man
Why can't the light of good shine God's love in every soul
Why can't they say that hate is 10 zillion light years away
Tell me people

'Cause we've got so far to come...
And I say it's taken Him so long
That's what my friends ask me
"Where is your God"
But if there is a God, we need Him now
They say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away
And just the pure at heart will walk her righteous streets someday
They say that heaven is 10 zillion light years away

Relevant Tags:
HHeaven IIs 110 ZZillion LLight YYears AAway eaven s 0 illion ight ears way eHaven sI 01 iZllion iLght eYars wAay
jeaven js 20 aillion kight gears zway jHeaven jIs 210 aZillion kLight gYears zAway Hjeaven Ijs 120 Zaillion Lkight Ygears Azway
ueaven 9s q0 sillion oight hears qway uHeaven 9Is q10 sZillion oLight hYears qAway Hueaven I9s 1q0 Zsillion Loight Yhears Aqway
neaven ls 100 xillion pight 6ears sway nHeaven lIs 1 xZillion pLight 6Years sAway Hneaven Ils 10 Zxillion Lpight Y6ears Asway
beaven os 1p Ziillion Liight uears wway bHeaven oIs 1p0 Zllion Lght uYears wAway Hbeaven Ios 10p Zlilion Lgiht Yuears Awway
geaven ks 19 Zjllion Ljght 7ears xway gHeaven kIs 190 Zjillion Ljight 7Years xAway Hgeaven Iks 109 Zijllion Lijght Y7ears Axway
yeaven 8s 1o Z9llion L9ght jears yHeaven 8Is 1o0 Z9illion L9ight jYears Aay Hyeaven I8s 10o Zi9llion Li9ght Yjears Aawy
Heeaven us Zlllion Llght tears Aaay Haven uIs Zlillion Llight tYears Aaway Haeven Ius Zilllion Lilght Ytears Awaay
Hsaven Iss Zollion Loght Yeears A3ay Hseaven I Zoillion Yars A3way Hesaven Is Ziollion Lioght Yaers Aw3ay
H3aven Iz Zkllion Lkght Ysars Aday H3eaven Izs Zkillion Ysears Adway He3aven Isz Zikllion Likght Yesars Awday
Hfaven Iw Z8llion L8ght Y3ars Aeay Hfeaven Iws Z8illion L8ight Y3ears Aeway Hefaven Isw Zi8llion Li8ght Ye3ars Aweay
Hraven Id Zullion Lught Yfars Asay Hreaven Ids Zuillion Luight Yfears Heraven Isd Ziullion Liught Yefars Awsay
H4aven Ie Ligght Yrars A2ay H4eaven Ies Zilion Liht Yrears A2way He4aven Ise Zillion Lihgt Yerars Aw2ay
Hdaven Ix Ziklion Lihht Y4ars Aqay Hdeaven Ixs Lihght Y4ears Hedaven Isx Zilklion Lighht Ye4ars Awqay
Hwaven Ia Ziolion Liyht Ydars Hweaven Ias Liyght Ydears Awy Hewaven Isa Zilolion Ligyht Yedars Awya
Heaaven Ziplion Libht Ywars Awzy Heven Zipllion Libght Ywears Awzay Hevaen Zilplion Ligbht Yewars Awazy
Hezven Livht Yeaars Awqy Hezaven Livght Yers Heazven Zililon Ligvht Yeras Awaqy
Heqven Zilkion Lifht Yezrs Awsy Heqaven Lifght Yezars Heaqven Zillkion Ligfht Yeazrs Awasy
Hesven Ziloion Litht Yeqrs Awwy Litght Yeqars Heasven Zilloion Ligtht Yeaqrs Awawy

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