Stevie Wonder
Fun Day

This is fun day
Yours and my day
This is fun day, dee ooh, wee ooh

This is fun day
On a fine day
When the air is filled with tweeting birds that sing
together in the sun
This is your day
Yours and my day
When you feel the joy of children playing,
laughing from dust till dawn
On a day like this you share your joy
with everyone
Share your peace, and share your joy,
and share your love

This is fun day
On a fine day
When you feel the urge of getting up to start-up
with the break of dawn
This is your day
Yours and my day
When you turn on your radio and hear the DJ
playing your favorite song
On a day like this not even bad can rub
you wrong
Cause you say it's okay cause it's your day

I'm gonna go out to the park
Where you feel the joy in every heart
That's what I need to start each day off right
Oh, I'll find a place for you and me
Underneath the shade of a lover's tree
Fun day should be each day in all our lives

This is fun day
Yours and my day
This is fun day, dee ooh, wee ooh

[harmonica solo]

This is love day
A celebration
A day on every calendar that's set aside
for everyone to give
This is your day
Such a fun day
I cannot believe a day like this has come
that's if this really is
I'm so very proud to say that for this day I've lived
To see your peace, to see your joy, and to
see your love

I'm gonna go out to the park
Where you feel the joy in every heart
That's what I need to start this day off right

Oh, I'll find a place for you and me
Underneath the shade of a lover's tree
Fun day should be each day in all our lives

This is love day
A celebration
A day on every calendar that's set aside for
everyone to give

Let me solo, let me solo, let me solo...solo

Mirror lyrics:

Let me solo, let me solo, let me solo...solo

everyone to give
A day on every calendar that's set aside for
A celebration
This is love day

Fun day should be each day in all our lives
Underneath the shade of a lover's tree
Oh, I'll find a place for you and me

That's what I need to start this day off right
Where you feel the joy in every heart
I'm gonna go out to the park

see your love
To see your peace, to see your joy, and to
I'm so very proud to say that for this day I've lived
that's if this really is
I cannot believe a day like this has come
Such a fun day
This is your day
for everyone to give
A day on every calendar that's set aside
A celebration
This is love day

[harmonica solo]

This is fun day, dee ooh, wee ooh
Yours and my day
This is fun day

Fun day should be each day in all our lives
Underneath the shade of a lover's tree
Oh, I'll find a place for you and me
That's what I need to start each day off right
Where you feel the joy in every heart
I'm gonna go out to the park

Cause you say it's okay cause it's your day
you wrong
On a day like this not even bad can rub
playing your favorite song
When you turn on your radio and hear the DJ
Yours and my day
This is your day
with the break of dawn
When you feel the urge of getting up to start-up
On a fine day
This is fun day

and share your love
Share your peace, and share your joy,
with everyone
On a day like this you share your joy
laughing from dust till dawn
When you feel the joy of children playing,
Yours and my day
This is your day
together in the sun
When the air is filled with tweeting birds that sing
On a fine day
This is fun day

This is fun day, dee ooh, wee ooh
Yours and my day
This is fun day

Relevant Tags:
FFun DDay un ay uFn aDy cun xay cFun xDay Fcun Dxay run eay rFun eDay Frun Deay gun fay gFun fDay
Fgun Dfay tun ray tFun rDay Ftun Dray vun cay vFun cDay Fvun Dcay dun say dFun sDay Fdun Dsay Fuun Daay
Fn Dy Fnu Dya Fhn Dzy Fhun Dzay Fuhn Dazy F7n Dqy F7un Dqay Fu7n Daqy Fkn Dsy

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