Stevie Wonder
From The Bottom Of My Heart

Me and my heart took a
Vow from the start and a
Vow to my heart I never break

Seasons may come and the
Seasons may go but know
Through every time and space
My love will always stay forever and always

From the bottom of my heart, I love you
I can say these words to you without delay
If you're wondering just how long I'll love you
Try forever that's how long I'll feel this way

Me and my heart got a
Promise from the stars that they'd
Keep this love burning endlessly

People will come just as
People will go but know
Whatever life has in store
Through all eternity you will have my love for always

From the bottom of my heart, I love you
I can say these words to you without delay
If you're wondering just how long I'll love you
Try forever that's how long I'll feel this way

Yes, forever is how long my love will stay
Forever is a long, long time
But so what?

Mirror lyrics:

But so what?
Forever is a long, long time
Yes, forever is how long my love will stay

Try forever that's how long I'll feel this way
If you're wondering just how long I'll love you
I can say these words to you without delay
From the bottom of my heart, I love you

Through all eternity you will have my love for always
Whatever life has in store
People will go but know
People will come just as

Keep this love burning endlessly
Promise from the stars that they'd
Me and my heart got a

Try forever that's how long I'll feel this way
If you're wondering just how long I'll love you
I can say these words to you without delay
From the bottom of my heart, I love you

My love will always stay forever and always
Through every time and space
Seasons may go but know
Seasons may come and the

Vow to my heart I never break
Vow from the start and a
Me and my heart took a

Relevant Tags:
FFrom TThe BBottom OOf MMy HHeart rom he ottom f y eart rFom hTe oBttom fO yM eHart crom fhe vottom kf jy jeart cFrom fThe vBottom kOf jMy jHeart
Fcrom Tfhe Bvottom Okf Mjy Hjeart rrom 5he gottom 9f ky ueart rFrom 5The gBottom 9Of kMy uHeart Frrom T5he Bgottom O9f Mky Hueart grom hhe nottom 0f ny neart
gFrom hThe nBottom 0Of nMy nHeart Fgrom Thhe Bnottom O0f Mny Hneart trom yhe hottom lf Myy beart tFrom yThe hBottom lOf M bHeart Ftrom Tyhe Bhottom Olf My Hbeart
vrom 6he Boottom if Mg geart vFrom 6The Bttom iOf Mgy gHeart Fvrom T6he Btotom Oif Myg Hgeart drom ghe Bkttom Off Mh yeart dFrom gThe Bkottom O Mhy yHeart
Fdrom Tghe Bokttom Of Myh Hyeart rhe B9ttom Oc M6 Heeart Fom rThe B9ottom Ocf M6y Hart Form Trhe Bo9ttom Ofc My6 Haert Fdom B0ttom Or Mu Hsart
Te B0ottom Orf Muy Hseart Frdom Teh Bo0ttom Ofr Myu Hesart F4om Tje Blttom Og M7 H3art F4rom Tjhe Blottom Ogf M7y H3eart Fr4om Thje Bolttom Ofg My7 He3art
Fgom Tue Bittom Ot Mj Hfart Tuhe Biottom Otf Hfeart Frgom Thue Boittom Oft Myj Hefart Ftom Tne Botttom Ov Mt Hrart Tnhe Botom Ovf Mty Hreart
Frtom Thne Bottom Ofv Myt Herart F5om Tbe Boftom Od H4art F5rom Tbhe Bofttom Odf H4eart Fr5om Thbe Botftom Ofd He4art Ffom Tge Bo5tom Hdart
Ffrom Bo5ttom Hdeart Frfom Thge Bot5tom Hedart Feom Tye Bohtom Hwart Ferom Bohttom Hweart Freom Thye Bothtom Hewart
Froom Thee Boytom Heaart Frm Th Boyttom Hert Frmo The Botytom Herat Frkm Ths Bo6tom Hezrt Frkom Thse Bo6ttom Hezart
Frokm Thes Bot6tom Heazrt Fr9m Th3 Bogtom Heqrt

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