Stevie Wonder
A Seed's A Star Tree Medley

We're a people black as is your night
Born to spread Amma's eternal light
Which since time began
Has been to bring truth to every man

Our ancestors have since long ago
Passed their wisdom down so we to know
For here lies the key
That will help unfold the mistery

A seed's a star
A seed's a star's a seed
A star's a seed
A star's a seed's a star

In myself I do contain
The elements of sun and rain
First a seed with roots that swell
I gradually burst through my shell
Pushing down into the ground
The root of me is homeward bound
A trunk, a leaf and there I am
A miracle of least by far

Tree - you are the longest living one we know
the largest of all plants and still you grow

Tree - within your branches there's such history
so much of what we're searching for to know

Every fifty years we celebrate
Po Tolo, our star, as it rotates
Though infinitely small
It is still the heaviest of them all


A seed's a star
A seed's a star's a seed
A star's a seed
A star's a seed's a star
A seed's a star
A seed's a star's a seed
A star's a seed
A star's a seed's a star


Ye Lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye

And some believe antennas are their leaves
That spans beyond our galaxy
They've been, they are and probably will be
Who are the mediocrity

Mirror lyrics:

Who are the mediocrity
They've been, they are and probably will be
That spans beyond our galaxy
And some believe antennas are their leaves

Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Kesse ye lolo De Ye
Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye
Ye Lolo De Ye


A star's a seed's a star
A star's a seed
A seed's a star's a seed
A seed's a star
A star's a seed's a star
A star's a seed
A seed's a star's a seed
A seed's a star


It is still the heaviest of them all
Though infinitely small
Po Tolo, our star, as it rotates
Every fifty years we celebrate

so much of what we're searching for to know
Tree - within your branches there's such history

the largest of all plants and still you grow
Tree - you are the longest living one we know

A miracle of least by far
A trunk, a leaf and there I am
The root of me is homeward bound
Pushing down into the ground
I gradually burst through my shell
First a seed with roots that swell
The elements of sun and rain
In myself I do contain

A star's a seed's a star
A star's a seed
A seed's a star's a seed
A seed's a star

That will help unfold the mistery
For here lies the key
Passed their wisdom down so we to know
Our ancestors have since long ago

Has been to bring truth to every man
Which since time began
Born to spread Amma's eternal light
We're a people black as is your night

Relevant Tags:
AA SSeed's AA SStar TTree MMedley eed's tar ree edley A eSed's A tSar rTee eMdley z zeed's z ztar free jedley zA zSeed's zA zStar fTree jMedley
Az Szeed's Az Sztar Tfree Mjedley q weed's q wtar 5ree kedley qA wSeed's qA wStar 5Tree kMedley Aq Sweed's Aq Swtar T5ree Mkedley s deed's s dtar hree nedley
sA dSeed's sA dStar hTree nMedley As Sdeed's As Sdtar Three Mnedley w eeed's w etar yree Meedley wA eSeed's wA eStar yTree Mdley Aw Seeed's Aw Setar Tyree Mdeley
x xeed's x xtar 6ree Msdley xA xSeed's xA xStar 6Tree Msedley Ax Sxeed's Ax Sxtar T6ree Mesdley aeed's atar gree M3dley aSeed's aStar gTree M3edley
Saeed's Satar Tgree Me3dley Sttar rree Mfdley Sed's Sar rTree Mfedley Seed's Satr Trree Mefdley Ssed's Sfar Mrdley
Sseed's Sftar Tee Mredley Sesed's Stfar Tere Merdley S3ed's S5ar Tdee M4dley S3eed's S5tar Tdree M4edley Se3ed's St5ar Trdee Me4dley
Sfed's Shar T4ee Mddley Sfeed's Shtar T4ree Mdedley Sefed's Sthar Tr4ee Meddley Sred's Syar Tgee Mwdley Sreed's Sytar Mwedley
Sered's Styar Trgee Mewdley S4ed's S6ar Ttee S4eed's S6tar Ttree Meley Se4ed's St6ar Trtee Meldey Sded's Sgar T5ee Mexley
Sgtar Mexdley Seded's Stgar Tr5ee Medxley Swed's Srar Tfee Meeley Srtar Sewed's Strar Trfee Medeley
Staar Teee Mefley Str Teree Sede's Stra Treee Medfley Sesd's Stzr Merley Stzar Tre
Seesd's Stazr Tree Medrley Se3d's Stqr Trse Mecley Stqar Trsee Mecdley See3d's Staqr Trese Medcley Sefd's Stsr Tr3e Mesley
Stsar Tr3ee

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