Stiff Little Fingers
Here We Are Nowhere

Friday night's here
What's the scene?
Nothing to do
Y'know what I mean?
Nothing on the telly
There is no late-night show
No shows in town
There is no place to go
Here we are nowhere
Nowhere left to go

Is it a crime
To be young
Cos every time
We have some fun
They put us down
And tell us that we're wrong
Every time they sing the same old song
Here we are nowhere
Maybe that's where we belong

You know it's not
But what do we do
Don't look at me now
I'm looking at you
And sitting there
Won't change a thing
Must we only wait and see
What the future will bring

Mirror lyrics:

What the future will bring
Must we only wait and see
Won't change a thing
And sitting there
I'm looking at you
Don't look at me now
But what do we do
You know it's not

Maybe that's where we belong
Here we are nowhere
Every time they sing the same old song
And tell us that we're wrong
They put us down
We have some fun
Cos every time
To be young
Is it a crime

Nowhere left to go
Here we are nowhere
There is no place to go
No shows in town
There is no late-night show
Nothing on the telly
Y'know what I mean?
Nothing to do
What's the scene?
Friday night's here

Relevant Tags:
HHere WWe AAre NNowhere ere e re owhere eHre eW rAe oNwhere jere ae zre mowhere jHere aWe zAre mNowhere Hjere Wae Azre Nmowhere
uere 3e qre howhere uHere 3We qAre hNowhere Huere W3e Aqre Nhowhere nere de sre jowhere nHere dWe sAre jNowhere Hnere Wde Asre Njowhere
bere ee wre bowhere bHere eWe wAre bNowhere Hbere Wee Awre Nbowhere gere se xre Noowhere gHere sWe xAre Nwhere Hgere Wse Axre Nwohere
yere 2e Arre Nkwhere yHere 2We Ae Nkowhere Hyere W2e Aer Nokwhere Heere qe Ade N9where Hre qWe Adre N9owhere Hree Wqe Arde No9where
Hsre A4e N0where Hsere W A4re N0owhere Hesre We Ar4e No0where H3re Ws Age Nlwhere H3ere Agre Nlowhere He3re Wes Arge Nolwhere
Hfre W3 Ate Niwhere Hfere Atre Niowhere Hefre We3 Arte Noiwhere Hrre Wf A5e Nowwhere Hrere Wfe A5re Nohere Herre Wef Ar5e Nohwere
H4re Wr Afe Noahere H4ere Wre Afre Noawhere He4re Wer Arfe Nowahere Hdre W4 Aee No3here Hdere W4e Aere No3where Hedre We4 Aree Now3here
Hwre Wd Nodhere Hwere Ar Nodwhere Hewre Wed Are Nowdhere Ww Ars Noehere Hee Wwe Arse Noewhere Heer Wew Ares Nowehere
Hede Ar3 Noshere Ar3e Noswhere Herde Are3 Nowshere He4e Arf No2here No2where Her4e Aref Now2here
Hege Arr Noqhere Hegre Noqwhere Herge Arer Nowqhere Hete Ar4 Nowhhere Hetre Nowere Herte Are4 Nowehre
He5e Ard Nowjere He5re Nowjhere Her5e Ared Nowhjere Hefe Arw Nowuere Arwe Nowuhere Herfe Arew Nowhuere
Heee Nownere Nownhere Heree Nowhnere Nowbere

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