She Doesn't Have To Shave

She was washin' the dishes

When she burst into tears

It was the time of the month

She was up to her ears

I put my arms 'round her neck

I said sit down a while

Cry as much as you like, I'll do the dishes

Tell me what's on your mind

There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach

When it's all your fault and you're half asleep

She's lucky she doesn't have to shave

I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain

Her eyes were like pools

Filled with newly wed tears

She was sat doubled up

With her hands on her ears

I felt useless, I smiled and I shrugged

I was sweet as I could be

As I poured her some milk, here was my flower

That was ready to wilt

There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach

When it's all your fault and you're half asleep

She's lucky she doesn't have to shave

I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain, oh

A fairy tale finish

We flaked out on the floor

It was match of the day

On the TV what's more

I fell asleep at half time

We had a right result

It was kisses and hugs at the end of the day

She's the one that I love

There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach

When it's all your fault and you're half asleep

She's lucky, she doesn't have to shave

I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain

There's a point that you're reach


There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach


When it's all your fault and you're half asleep

She's lucky, she doesn't have to shave


I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain

There's a point that you're reach


Mirror lyrics:


There's a point that you're reach

I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain


She's lucky, she doesn't have to shave

When it's all your fault and you're half asleep


There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach


There's a point that you're reach

I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain

She's lucky, she doesn't have to shave

When it's all your fault and you're half asleep

There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach

She's the one that I love

It was kisses and hugs at the end of the day

We had a right result

I fell asleep at half time

On the TV what's more

It was match of the day

We flaked out on the floor

A fairy tale finish

I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain, oh

She's lucky she doesn't have to shave

When it's all your fault and you're half asleep

There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach

That was ready to wilt

As I poured her some milk, here was my flower

I was sweet as I could be

I felt useless, I smiled and I shrugged

With her hands on her ears

She was sat doubled up

Filled with newly wed tears

Her eyes were like pools

I'm so lucky, I'm not doubled up with pain

She's lucky she doesn't have to shave

When it's all your fault and you're half asleep

There's a boiling point that you're bound to reach

Tell me what's on your mind

Cry as much as you like, I'll do the dishes

I said sit down a while

I put my arms 'round her neck

She was up to her ears

It was the time of the month

When she burst into tears

She was washin' the dishes

Relevant Tags:
SShe DDoesn't HHave TTo SShave he oesn't ave o have hSe oDesn't aHve oT hSave zhe xoesn't jave fo zhave zShe xDoesn't jHave fTo zShave
Szhe Dxoesn't Hjave Tfo Szhave whe eoesn't uave 5o whave wShe eDoesn't uHave 5To wShave Swhe Deoesn't Huave T5o Swhave dhe foesn't nave ho dhave
dShe fDoesn't nHave hTo dShave Sdhe Dfoesn't Hnave Tho Sdhave ehe roesn't bave yo ehave eShe rDoesn't bHave yTo eShave Sehe Droesn't Hbave Tyo Sehave
xhe coesn't gave 6o xhave xShe cDoesn't gHave 6To xShave Sxhe Dcoesn't Hgave T6o Sxhave ahe soesn't yave go ahave aShe sDoesn't yHave gTo aShave
Sahe Dsoesn't Hyave Tgo Sahave Shhe Dooesn't Haave ro Shhave Se Desn't Hve rTo Save Seh Deosn't Hvae Tro Sahve Sje Dkesn't Hzve Too Sjave
Sjhe Dkoesn't Hzave T Sjhave Shje Dokesn't Hazve To Shjave Sue D9esn't Hqve Tk Suave Suhe D9oesn't Hqave Tko Suhave Shue Do9esn't Haqve Tok Shuave
Sne D0esn't Hsve T9 Snave Snhe D0oesn't Hsave T9o Snhave Shne Do0esn't Hasve To9 Shnave Sbe Dlesn't Hwve T0 Sbave Sbhe Dloesn't Hwave T0o Sbhave
Shbe Dolesn't Hawve To0 Shbave Sge Diesn't Hxve Tl Sgave Sghe Dioesn't Hxave Tlo Sghave Shge Doiesn't Haxve Tol Shgave Sye Doeesn't Havve Ti Syave
Syhe Dosn't Hae Tio Syhave Shye Dosen't Haev Toi Shyave Shee Dossn't Habe Shaave Sh Dosesn't Habve Shve She Doessn't Havbe Shvae
Shs Do3sn't Hace Shzve Shse Do3esn't Hacve Shzave Shes Doe3sn't Havce Shazve Sh3 Dofsn't Hage Shqve Sh3e Dofesn't Hagve Shqave
She3 Doefsn't Havge Shaqve Shf Dorsn't Hafe Shsve Shfe Doresn't Hafve Shsave Shef Doersn't Havfe Shasve Shr Do4sn't Havee Shwve
Shre Do4esn't Hav Shwave Sher Doe4sn't Have Shawve Sh4 Dodsn't Havs Shxve Sh4e Dodesn't Havse Shxave She4 Doedsn't Haves Shaxve
Shd Dowsn't Hav3 Shavve

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