If It's Love [7'' Version]

If it's love
That would really explain it
How I feel like I'm covered in wool
If it's love
Then it's really exciting
My diary's become very full
If it's love does it matter
If I'm thin or I'm fatter
If it's love then it feels like I've won the pools

If it's love
Then it needs some devotion
And I feel like I'm walking on air
If it's love
Then I feel like I'm floating
Through my world without knowing who's there
If it's love someone slap me
Is this me that's so happy
If it's love then I'm laughing like I don't care

If it's love then my teeth are clean for a change
If it's love then that's why I'm feeling so strange
If it's love
Then I need it forever
Like the beats that keep time in my heart
If it's love
Then I fall like a feather
I'm an egg in the teeth of a shark
If it's love I'm inspired
I'm up late, I'm not tired
If it's love my world is about to spark

If it's love then my teeth are clean for a change
If it's love then that's why I'm feeling so strange

If it's love love love love love love
If it's love love love love love love
If it's love love love love love love
If it's love love love love love love

Mirror lyrics:

If it's love love love love love love
If it's love love love love love love
If it's love love love love love love
If it's love love love love love love

If it's love then that's why I'm feeling so strange
If it's love then my teeth are clean for a change

If it's love my world is about to spark
I'm up late, I'm not tired
If it's love I'm inspired
I'm an egg in the teeth of a shark
Then I fall like a feather
If it's love
Like the beats that keep time in my heart
Then I need it forever
If it's love
If it's love then that's why I'm feeling so strange
If it's love then my teeth are clean for a change

If it's love then I'm laughing like I don't care
Is this me that's so happy
If it's love someone slap me
Through my world without knowing who's there
Then I feel like I'm floating
If it's love
And I feel like I'm walking on air
Then it needs some devotion
If it's love

If it's love then it feels like I've won the pools
If I'm thin or I'm fatter
If it's love does it matter
My diary's become very full
Then it's really exciting
If it's love
How I feel like I'm covered in wool
That would really explain it
If it's love

Relevant Tags:
IIf IIt's LLove [[7'' VVersion] f t's ove 7'' ersion] fI tI's oLve 7['' eVrsion] jf jt's kove [77'' bersion] jIf jIt's kLove ['' bVersion]
Ijf Ijt's Lkove ['7' Vbersion] 9f 9t's oove [8'' cersion] 9If 9It's oLove [87'' cVersion] I9f I9t's Loove [78'' Vcersion] lf lt's pove [y'' gersion]
lIf lIt's pLove [y7'' gVersion] Ilf Ilt's Lpove [7y'' Vgersion] of ot's [u'' fersion] oIf oIt's Lve [u7'' fVersion] Iof Iot's Lvoe [7u'' Vfersion]
kf kt's Lkve [6'' Veersion] kIf kIt's [67'' Vrsion] Ikf Ikt's Lokve [76'' Vresion] 8f 8t's L9ve [7''' Vsrsion] 8If 8It's L9ove [7' Vsersion]
I8f I8t's Lo9ve [7'' Vesrsion] uf ut's L0ve V3rsion] uIf uIt's L0ove V3ersion] Iuf Iut's Lo0ve Ve3rsion] Iff Itt's Llve Vfrsion]
I I's Llove If I'ts Lolve Vefrsion] Ic If's Live Vrrsion] Icf Ift's Liove Vrersion] Ifc Itf's Loive Verrsion]
Ir I5's Lovve V4rsion] Irf I5t's Loe V4ersion] Ifr It5's Loev Ve4rsion] Ig Ih's Lobe Vdrsion] Igf Iht's Lobve Vdersion]
Ifg Ith's Lovbe Vedrsion] It Iy's Loce Vwrsion] Itf Iyt's Locve Vwersion] Ift Ity's Lovce Vewrsion] Iv I6's Loge
Ivf I6t's Logve Vesion] Ifv It6's Lovge Vesrion] Id Ig's Lofe Vedsion] Idf Igt's Lofve Ifd Itg's Lovfe Verdsion]
Ir's Lovee Ve4sion] Irt's Lov Itr's Love Ver4sion] It''s Lovs Vegsion] Its Lovse Vegrsion]
Its' Loves Vergsion] It'ss Lov3 Vetsion] It' Lov3e Vetrsion] It's Love3 Vertsion] It'z Lovf Ve5sion]
It'zs Ve5rsion] It'sz Lovef Ver5sion] It'w Lovr Vefsion] It'ws Lovre It'sw Lover Verfsion]
It'd Lov4 Veesion] It'ds Lov4e It'sd Love4 Veresion] It'e Lovd Verssion] It'es Lovde Verion]
It'se Loved Verison]

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