Black Coffee In Bed [live A Round]

There's a stain on my notebook
Where your coffee cup was
And there's ash in the pages
Now I've got myself lost
I was writing to tell you
That my feelings tonight
Are a stain on my notebook
That rings your goodbye

Now she's gone
And I'm back on the beat
A stain on my notebook
Says nothing to me
Now she's gone
And I'm out with a friend
With lips full of passion
and coffee in bed

With the way that you left me
I can hardly contain
The hurt and the anger
And the joy of the pain
Now knowing I am single
There'll be fire in my eyes
And a stain on my notebook
For a new love tonight

Now she's gone
And I'm back on the beat
A stain on my notebook
Says nothing to me
Now she's gone
And I'm out with a friend
With lips full of passion
And coffee in bed

Now she's gone
And I'm out with a friend
With lips full of passion
And coffee in bed

From lips without passion
To the lips with a kiss
There's nothing of your love
That I'll ever miss
The stain on my notebook
Remains all that's left
Of the memory of late nights
and coffee in bed
Of the memory of late nights
And coffee in bed

Now she's gone
And I'm back on the beat
A stain on my notebook
Says nothing to me
Now she's gone
And I'm out with a friend
With lips full of passion
And coffee in bed

(Repeat to fade)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat to fade)

And coffee in bed
With lips full of passion
And I'm out with a friend
Now she's gone
Says nothing to me
A stain on my notebook
And I'm back on the beat
Now she's gone

And coffee in bed
Of the memory of late nights
and coffee in bed
Of the memory of late nights
Remains all that's left
The stain on my notebook
That I'll ever miss
There's nothing of your love
To the lips with a kiss
From lips without passion

And coffee in bed
With lips full of passion
And I'm out with a friend
Now she's gone

And coffee in bed
With lips full of passion
And I'm out with a friend
Now she's gone
Says nothing to me
A stain on my notebook
And I'm back on the beat
Now she's gone

For a new love tonight
And a stain on my notebook
There'll be fire in my eyes
Now knowing I am single
And the joy of the pain
The hurt and the anger
I can hardly contain
With the way that you left me

and coffee in bed
With lips full of passion
And I'm out with a friend
Now she's gone
Says nothing to me
A stain on my notebook
And I'm back on the beat
Now she's gone

That rings your goodbye
Are a stain on my notebook
That my feelings tonight
I was writing to tell you
Now I've got myself lost
And there's ash in the pages
Where your coffee cup was
There's a stain on my notebook

Relevant Tags:
BBlack CCoffee IIn BBed [[live AA RRound] lack offee n ed live ound] lBack oCffee nI eBd l[ive A oRund] vlack foffee jn ved [llive z dound] vBlack fCoffee jIn vBed [ive zA dRound]
Bvlack Cfoffee Ijn Bved [ilve Az Rdound] glack xoffee 9n ged [kive q 4ound] gBlack xCoffee 9In gBed [klive qA 4Round] Bglack Cxoffee I9n Bged [lkive Aq R4ound] nlack voffee ln ned [oive s gound]
nBlack vCoffee lIn nBed [olive sA gRound] Bnlack Cvoffee Iln Bned [loive As Rgound] hlack doffee on hed [pive w tound] hBlack dCoffee oIn hBed [plive wA tRound] Bhlack Cdoffee Ion Bhed [lpive Aw Rtound]
Bllack Cooffee kn Beed [liive x 5ound] Back Cffee kIn Bd [lve xA 5Round] Balck Cfofee Ikn Bde [lvie Ax R5ound] Bkack Ckffee 8n Bsd [ljve found] Bklack Ckoffee 8In Bsed [ljive fRound]
Blkack Cokffee I8n Besd [lijve Rfound] Boack C9ffee un B3d [l9ve eound] Bolack C9offee uIn B3ed [l9ive eRound] Bloack Co9ffee Iun Be3d [li9ve Reound] Bpack C0ffee Inn Bfd [llve Roound]
Bplack C0offee I Bfed Rund] Blpack Co0ffee In Befd [lilve Ruond] Blaack Clffee Im Brd [love Rkund] Blck Cloffee Imn Bred Rkound] Blcak Colffee Inm Berd [liove Rokund]
Blzck Ciffee Ih B4d [lkve R9und] Blzack Cioffee Ihn B4ed R9ound] Blazck Coiffee Inh Be4d [likve Ro9und] Blqck Cofffee Ij Bdd [l8ve R0und] Blqack Cofee Bded [l8ive R0ound]
Blaqck Coffee Inj Bedd [li8ve Ro0und] Blsck Cocfee Ib Bwd [luve Rlund] Blsack Cocffee Ibn Bwed [luive Rlound] Blasck Cofcfee Inb Bewd [liuve Rolund] Blwck Corfee [livve Riund]
Blwack Corffee Be [lie Riound] Blawck Cofrfee Bed [liev Roiund] Blxck Cogfee Bex [libe Rouund] Blxack Cogffee Bexd [libve Rond] Blaxck Cofgfee Bedx [livbe Ronud]
Blacck Cotfee Bee [lice Rohnd] Blak Cotffee [licve Rohund] Blakc Coftfee Bede [livce Rouhnd] Blafk Covfee Bef [lige Ro7nd] Blafck Covffee [ligve Ro7und]
Blacfk Cofvfee Bedf [livge Rou7nd]

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