Action Speaks Faster


Action speaks faster
Faster than words
Pull her towards you
Let love be heard
And when we kissed there was a room that had been emptied
You said so much without a word I'd been tempted
Love's not for sale there's not a price
Who could have rented
Who lives here now come out and be found where I have nested

My eyelashes swam up through the tears
The moments that passed took two or three years

And when we talked there was rain and no attraction
Hand to my head, eyes to the ground, no reaction
Our love was home, now it's a fort that's held up to ransom
What of us now, now there's no laughs, where is the action

Mirror lyrics:

What of us now, now there's no laughs, where is the action
Our love was home, now it's a fort that's held up to ransom
Hand to my head, eyes to the ground, no reaction
And when we talked there was rain and no attraction

The moments that passed took two or three years
My eyelashes swam up through the tears

Who lives here now come out and be found where I have nested
Who could have rented
Love's not for sale there's not a price
You said so much without a word I'd been tempted
And when we kissed there was a room that had been emptied
Let love be heard
Pull her towards you
Faster than words
Action speaks faster


Relevant Tags:
AAction SSpeaks FFaster ction peaks aster cAtion pSeaks aFster zction zpeaks caster zAction zSpeaks cFaster Azction Szpeaks Fcaster
qction wpeaks raster qAction wSpeaks rFaster Aqction Swpeaks Fraster sction dpeaks gaster sAction dSpeaks gFaster Asction Sdpeaks Fgaster
wction epeaks taster wAction eSpeaks tFaster Awction Sepeaks Ftaster xction xpeaks vaster xAction xSpeaks vFaster Axction Sxpeaks Fvaster
Acction apeaks daster Ation aSpeaks dFaster Atcion Sapeaks Fdaster Aftion Sppeaks Faaster Afction Seaks Fster Acftion Sepaks Fsater
Axtion S0eaks Fzster S0peaks Fzaster Acxtion Sp0eaks Fazster Avtion Sleaks Fqster Avction Slpeaks Fqaster Acvtion Spleaks Faqster
Adtion Soeaks Fsster Adction Sopeaks Fsaster Acdtion Spoeaks Fasster Acttion Speeaks Fwster Acion Spaks Fwaster Aciton Spaeks Fawster
Acfion Spsaks Fxster Spseaks Fxaster Actfion Spesaks Faxster Ac5ion Sp3aks Ac5tion Sp3eaks Fater Act5ion Spe3aks Fatser
Achion Spfaks Fazter Achtion Spfeaks Acthion Spefaks Faszter Acyion Spraks Fawter Acytion Spreaks Actyion Speraks Faswter
Ac6ion Sp4aks Fadter Ac6tion Sp4eaks Fadster Act6ion Spe4aks Fasdter Acgion Spdaks Faeter Acgtion Spdeaks Faester Actgion Spedaks Faseter
Acrion Spwaks Faxter Acrtion Spweaks Actrion Spewaks Fasxter Actiion Speaaks Faater Acton Speks Actoin Spekas Fasater

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