Spread Eagle
Broken City

Have mercy on this broken city home

I'm doin' time—time in this crazy place
I've been here so long I gotta get away

I got rats in the kitchen rippin' up the trash
Cold wind blowin' down my back straight through shattered glass
Strangers in the hallways turn your face to stone
People call this living hell I call this Broken City home
My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home

There's a hole in my pocket where my money used to be
Landlord knockin' at my door I'm back out on the street
Crime and aggravation don't go out alone
People call this living hell I call this Broken City home
My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home
My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home

It feels like I'm doin' time
Street lights shinin' through my window
The only light I've ever known in my Broken City home
My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home
My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home

Mirror lyrics:

My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home
My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home
The only light I've ever known in my Broken City home
Street lights shinin' through my window
It feels like I'm doin' time

My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home
My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home
People call this living hell I call this Broken City home
Crime and aggravation don't go out alone
Landlord knockin' at my door I'm back out on the street
There's a hole in my pocket where my money used to be

My sweet home Broken City livin' my sweet home
People call this living hell I call this Broken City home
Strangers in the hallways turn your face to stone
Cold wind blowin' down my back straight through shattered glass
I got rats in the kitchen rippin' up the trash

I've been here so long I gotta get away
I'm doin' time—time in this crazy place

Have mercy on this broken city home

Relevant Tags:
BBroken CCity roken ity rBoken iCty vroken fity vBroken fCity Bvroken Cfity groken xity gBroken xCity Bgroken Cxity nroken vity
nBroken vCity Bnroken Cvity hroken dity hBroken dCity Bhroken Cdity Brroken Ciity Boken Cty Borken Ctiy Bdoken Cjty Bdroken Cjity
Brdoken Cijty B4oken C9ty B4roken C9ity Br4oken Ci9ty Bgoken Clty Clity Brgoken Cilty Btoken Coty Btroken Coity Brtoken Cioty
B5oken Ckty B5roken Ckity Br5oken Cikty Bfoken C8ty Bfroken C8ity Brfoken Ci8ty Beoken Cuty Beroken Cuity Breoken Ciuty Brooken Citty
Brken Ciy Brkoen Ciyt Brkken Cify Brkoken Cifty Brokken Citfy Br9ken Ci5y Br9oken Ci5ty Bro9ken Cit5y Br0ken Cihy Br0oken Cihty
Bro0ken Cithy Brlken Ciyy Brloken Ciyty Brolken Cityy Briken Ci6y

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