Strung Out
Match Book

I can see it in your eyes I can hear it in your voice
The signs are obvious that all we had has run its course
And I don't mind giving up the upper hand in this little charade
Cause I've spend too many nights here on the floor
Waiting for something inside you to change

Don't look back in anger now is all that you can say
Cause anger's all I got to keep me warm when you're away
And I know that this is nothing new but tonight is all I know
Disconnect myself from your memory and never feel anything at all
To justify with all your words don't mean anything to me
Cause I've cut you off

So here we stand and face each other we've got nothing to say
A flashback to another time when silence was a welcomed friend
Now I'm sorry I can never really say
All the things going on inside my head
Silence is a justified expression of my war
Now nothings like it was before

Don't look back in anger now is all that you can say
But anger's all I got to keep me warm when you're away
and all your words and all your actions don't mean anything to me
cause i've cut you off

Don't look back in anger it's just a memory
in background:Now I'm sorry I can never really say
All the things going on inside my head
Silence is a justified expression of my war
Now nothings like it was before

It's easy to forget your face
And it's easy to survive in this place without you, without you
I just comb my hair and wash my face
Keep straight ahead and keep my pace
Just think about nothing that I might never be alright
Well I got my friends I got my band
I got a million distractions to keep me warm
And I know that I'll be alright

Mirror lyrics:

And I know that I'll be alright
I got a million distractions to keep me warm
Well I got my friends I got my band
Just think about nothing that I might never be alright
Keep straight ahead and keep my pace
I just comb my hair and wash my face
And it's easy to survive in this place without you, without you
It's easy to forget your face

Now nothings like it was before
Silence is a justified expression of my war
All the things going on inside my head
in background:Now I'm sorry I can never really say
Don't look back in anger it's just a memory

cause i've cut you off
and all your words and all your actions don't mean anything to me
But anger's all I got to keep me warm when you're away
Don't look back in anger now is all that you can say

Now nothings like it was before
Silence is a justified expression of my war
All the things going on inside my head
Now I'm sorry I can never really say
A flashback to another time when silence was a welcomed friend
So here we stand and face each other we've got nothing to say

Cause I've cut you off
To justify with all your words don't mean anything to me
Disconnect myself from your memory and never feel anything at all
And I know that this is nothing new but tonight is all I know
Cause anger's all I got to keep me warm when you're away
Don't look back in anger now is all that you can say

Waiting for something inside you to change
Cause I've spend too many nights here on the floor
And I don't mind giving up the upper hand in this little charade
The signs are obvious that all we had has run its course
I can see it in your eyes I can hear it in your voice

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MMatch BBook atch ook aMtch oBok jatch vook jMatch vBook Mjatch Bvook katch gook kMatch gBook Mkatch Bgook natch nook nMatch nBook
Mnatch Bnook Maatch hook Mtch hBook Mtach Bhook Mztch Boook Mzatch Bok Maztch Book Mqtch Bkok Mqatch Bkook Maqtch Bokok Mstch B9ok
Msatch B9ook Mastch Bo9ok Mwtch B0ok Mwatch B0ook Mawtch Bo0ok Mxtch Blok Mxatch Blook Maxtch Bolok Mattch Biok Mach Biook Macth Boiok
Mafch Maftch Matfch Boko Ma5ch Bokk Ma5tch Mat5ch Bookk Mahch Bo9k Mahtch Mathch Boo9k Maych Bo0k Maytch
Matych Boo0k

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