Strung Out

time it makes you old
experience makes you wise
and only A fool who judges life by what he
sees in other people's eyes
the decisions that you cast
effect the outcome of your game
and the only person thats gonna think about you
is the one thats standin in your shoes
live by the sword
I die by the sword now
im a weapon of my set
the only family that ive ever known is the
kind thats by my side
little big man
hes not alone now
he's all grown up
his stories written all
along the city walls
hes gained a brotherhood
as they gather to beat you down
the fists reign hard
the fighting never stops
theres no mercy in this town
and i dont know when its gonna end for me
this side of town its all i know
its all i see
if i go on like this
ill end it all my self one day
this is how itll be
its reality
its society
i wear my colors proud
so dont stare me down
i got a million scars to prove my pain
you think you know who i am
try walkin a mile in my shoes

Quick on the draw
Never walk alone
Know your enemy
Never be afraid, it's what they always say
Till they come around for you.

ghetto birds light the evening sky
as the sun begins to fall
another night in the jungle he'll
with his back up against the wall
a little big man
hes not alone now
hes all grown up
his stories written all
along the city walls
quick on the draw
never walk alone
know your enemy
never be afraid
thats what they always say
till they come around for you

Mirror lyrics:

till they come around for you
thats what they always say
never be afraid
know your enemy
never walk alone
quick on the draw
along the city walls
his stories written all
hes all grown up
hes not alone now
a little big man
with his back up against the wall
another night in the jungle he'll
as the sun begins to fall
ghetto birds light the evening sky

Till they come around for you.
Never be afraid, it's what they always say
Know your enemy
Never walk alone
Quick on the draw

try walkin a mile in my shoes
you think you know who i am
i got a million scars to prove my pain
so dont stare me down
i wear my colors proud
its society
its reality
this is how itll be
ill end it all my self one day
if i go on like this
its all i see
this side of town its all i know
and i dont know when its gonna end for me
theres no mercy in this town
the fighting never stops
the fists reign hard
as they gather to beat you down
hes gained a brotherhood
along the city walls
his stories written all
he's all grown up
hes not alone now
little big man
kind thats by my side
the only family that ive ever known is the
im a weapon of my set
I die by the sword now
live by the sword
is the one thats standin in your shoes
and the only person thats gonna think about you
effect the outcome of your game
the decisions that you cast
sees in other people's eyes
and only A fool who judges life by what he
experience makes you wise
time it makes you old

Relevant Tags:
MMonster onster oMnster jonster jMonster Mjonster konster kMonster Mkonster nonster nMonster
Mnonster Moonster Mnster Mnoster Mknster Moknster M9nster M9onster Mo9nster M0nster M0onster
Mo0nster Mlnster Mlonster Molnster Minster Mionster Moinster Monnster Moster Mosnter Momster
Momnster Monmster Mohster Mohnster Monhster Mojster Mojnster Monjster Mobster Mobnster Monbster
Monsster Monter Montser Monzter Monzster Monszter Monwter Monwster Monswter Mondter Mondster
Monsdter Moneter Monester Monseter Monxter Monxster Monsxter Monater Monaster

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