Strung Out
Every Breath You Take (cover)

"Every Breath you take,
every move you make,
every board you break,
every step you take,
I'll be watchin you!
Every single day,
every word you say,
every game you play,
every mouse you stake,
I'll be watchin you!
Oh cant you see, you belong to me,
I'm a fool on ace,
every step you take!
every move you make,
every vile you break,
Every smile you fake,
every claim you steak,
I'll be watchin you!
Since you were gone,
I've been lost without a trace,
In and out I can only see your face,
I've been longing for your embrace,
keep a-comin, baby, baby, breathe!
Oh cant you see, you belong to me,
and I'm a fool on ace, every step you take,
every move you make,
and every vile you break,
every smile you fake,
every claim you steak,
Ill be watchin you,
every move you make,
every step you take I'll be watchin you!

Mirror lyrics:

every step you take I'll be watchin you!
every move you make,
Ill be watchin you,
every claim you steak,
every smile you fake,
and every vile you break,
every move you make,
and I'm a fool on ace, every step you take,
Oh cant you see, you belong to me,
keep a-comin, baby, baby, breathe!
I've been longing for your embrace,
In and out I can only see your face,
I've been lost without a trace,
Since you were gone,
I'll be watchin you!
every claim you steak,
Every smile you fake,
every vile you break,
every move you make,
every step you take!
I'm a fool on ace,
Oh cant you see, you belong to me,
I'll be watchin you!
every mouse you stake,
every game you play,
every word you say,
Every single day,
I'll be watchin you!
every step you take,
every board you break,
every move you make,
"Every Breath you take,

Relevant Tags:
EEvery BBreath YYou TTake ((cover) very reath ou ake cover) vEery rBeath oYu aTke c(over) svery vreath gou fake (ccover) sEvery vBreath gYou fTake (over)
Esvery Bvreath Ygou Tfake (ocver) 3very greath hou 5ake (fover) 3Every gBreath hYou 5Take (fcover) E3very Bgreath Yhou T5ake (cfover) fvery nreath 6ou hake (xover)
fEvery nBreath 6You hTake (xcover) Efvery Bnreath Y6ou Thake (cxover) rvery hreath uou yake (vover) rEvery hBreath uYou yTake (vcover) Ervery Bhreath Yuou Tyake (cvover)
4very Brreath 7ou 6ake (dover) 4Every Beath 7You 6Take (dcover) E4very Berath Y7ou T6ake (cdover) dvery Bdeath jou gake (coover) dEvery Bdreath jYou gTake (cver)
Edvery Brdeath Yjou Tgake (cvoer) wvery B4eath tou rake (ckver) wEvery B4reath tYou rTake (ckover) Ewvery Br4eath Ytou Trake (cokver) Evvery Bgeath Yoou Taake (c9ver)
Eery Yu Tke (c9over) Eevry Brgeath Yuo Tkae (co9ver) Ebery Bteath Yku Tzke (c0ver) Ebvery Btreath Ykou Tzake (c0over) Evbery Brteath Yoku Tazke (co0ver)
Ecery B5eath Y9u Tqke (clver) Ecvery B5reath Y9ou Tqake (clover) Evcery Br5eath Yo9u Taqke (colver) Egery Bfeath Y0u Tske (civer) Egvery Bfreath Y0ou Tsake (ciover)
Evgery Brfeath Yo0u Taske (coiver) Efery Beeath Ylu Twke (covver) Bereath Ylou Twake (coer) Evfery Breeath Yolu Tawke (coevr) Eveery Yiu Txke (cober)
Evry Brath Yiou Txake (cobver) Evrey Braeth Yoiu Taxke (covber) Evsry Brsath Youu Takke (cocer) Evsery Brseath Yo Tae (cocver) Evesry Bresath You Taek (covcer)
Ev3ry Br3ath Yoh Tale (coger) Ev3ery Br3eath Yohu Talke (cogver) Eve3ry Bre3ath Youh Takle (covger) Evfry Brfath Yo7 Taoe (cofer) Yo7u Taoke (cofver)
Evefry Brefath You7 Takoe (covfer) Evrry Brrath Yok Tame (coveer) Evrery Tamke (covr) Everry Brerath Youk Takme (covre) Ev4ry Br4ath Yoi Taje (covsr)
Ev4ery Tajke (covser) Eve4ry Bre4ath Youi Takje (covesr) Evdry Brdath Yo8 Taie (cov3r)

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