Stretch Arm Strong
When All Else Fails

they took away all that I thought that I needed
they made me feel like I was second best
they forced me to look deep inside myself
they said I would fall just like all the rest

self doubt it has a hold on me
I tried so hard but I can't break free

this pain inside me
it used to bind me
now I can feel it drive me
won't accept what they tried to sell me
can't forget the times they betrayed me
won't accept what they tried to sell me
can't forget they betrayed me

if you feel like you can't go on
look deep inside
you can carry on
if you feel like you can't go on
look deep inside
you can carry on

self doubt it has a hold on me
I tried so hard but I can't break free

when all else fails
and we're searching for our purpose
and the light is out of focus
look at all we share
our refuge that's abounding
and the love and care surrounding

Mirror lyrics:

and the love and care surrounding
our refuge that's abounding
look at all we share
and the light is out of focus
and we're searching for our purpose
when all else fails

I tried so hard but I can't break free
self doubt it has a hold on me

you can carry on
look deep inside
if you feel like you can't go on
you can carry on
look deep inside
if you feel like you can't go on

can't forget they betrayed me
won't accept what they tried to sell me
can't forget the times they betrayed me
won't accept what they tried to sell me
now I can feel it drive me
it used to bind me
this pain inside me

I tried so hard but I can't break free
self doubt it has a hold on me

they said I would fall just like all the rest
they forced me to look deep inside myself
they made me feel like I was second best
they took away all that I thought that I needed

Relevant Tags:
WWhen AAll EElse FFails hen ll lse ails hWen lAl lEse aFils ahen zll slse cails aWhen zAll sElse cFails Wahen Azll Eslse Fcails
3hen qll 3lse rails 3When qAll 3Else rFails W3hen Aqll E3lse Frails dhen sll flse gails dWhen sAll fElse gFails Wdhen Asll Eflse Fgails
ehen wll rlse tails eWhen wAll rElse tFails Wehen Awll Erlse Ftails shen xll 4lse vails sWhen xAll 4Else vFails Wshen Axll E4lse Fvails
2hen Alll dlse dails 2When Al dElse dFails W2hen All Edlse Fdails qhen Akl wlse Faails qWhen Akll wElse Fils Wqhen Alkl Ewlse Fials
Whhen Aol Ellse Fzils Wen Aoll Ese Fzails Wehn Alol Esle Fazils Wjen Apl Ekse Fqils Wjhen Apll Eklse Fqails Whjen Alpl Elkse Faqils
Wuen Eose Fsils Wuhen Eolse Fsails Whuen Elose Fasils Wnen Alk Epse Fwils Wnhen Eplse Fwails Whnen Allk Elpse Fawils
Wben Alo Elsse Fxils Wbhen Ele Fxails Whben Allo Eles Faxils Wgen Alp Elze Faiils Wghen Elzse Fals Whgen Allp Elsze Falis
Wyen Elwe Fajls Wyhen Elwse Fajils Whyen Elswe Faijls Wheen Elde Fa9ls Whn Eldse Fa9ils

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