Street Dogs
Two Angry Kids

Hey you, remember me
Way back in North Quincy
Go fast, hold back
If we hold on for one day
We just might last

I remembers bouts
Morning blackouts
Coupled with a hate of interior self
Reluctantly admit desperation
Availed a place for an education

Hey you, do you remember when
We were two angry kids

The first days they were rough
Living a bluff
Talking the talk but not walking the walk
You stuck a finger in my chest
Saying mister don't jest
Your life is on the line

This is not a test

Hey you, do you remember when
We were two angry kids
Hey you, do you remember when
We were two angry kids

Yeah I know we have never seen eye to eye
And I know we have had our falling outs
Still got lots of love for those early days
Looking back you know they saved our lives

Hey Waller, Thank you for the Benson
and Hedges therapy!

So as the days go by
Remember Quincy
In the barbershop
Down in the hole
In the name of a hope
In the name of a prayer
Look at the whole gang
We're still making noise

Hey you, do you remember when
We were two angry kids
Hey you, do you remember when
We were two angry kids

Mirror lyrics:

We were two angry kids
Hey you, do you remember when
We were two angry kids
Hey you, do you remember when

We're still making noise
Look at the whole gang
In the name of a prayer
In the name of a hope
Down in the hole
In the barbershop
Remember Quincy
So as the days go by

and Hedges therapy!
Hey Waller, Thank you for the Benson

Looking back you know they saved our lives
Still got lots of love for those early days
And I know we have had our falling outs
Yeah I know we have never seen eye to eye

We were two angry kids
Hey you, do you remember when
We were two angry kids
Hey you, do you remember when

This is not a test

Your life is on the line
Saying mister don't jest
You stuck a finger in my chest
Talking the talk but not walking the walk
Living a bluff
The first days they were rough

We were two angry kids
Hey you, do you remember when

Availed a place for an education
Reluctantly admit desperation
Coupled with a hate of interior self
Morning blackouts
I remembers bouts

We just might last
If we hold on for one day
Go fast, hold back
Way back in North Quincy
Hey you, remember me

Relevant Tags:
TTwo AAngry KKids wo ngry ids wTo nAgry iKds fwo zngry lids fTwo zAngry lKids Tfwo Azngry Klids 5wo qngry oids 5Two qAngry oKids
T5wo Aqngry Koids hwo sngry mids hTwo sAngry mKids Thwo Asngry Kmids ywo wngry jids yTwo wAngry jKids Tywo Awngry Kjids 6wo xngry iids
6Two xAngry iKids T6wo Axngry Kiids gwo Anngry gTwo Agry Kds Tgwo Agnry Kdis rwo Amgry Kjds rTwo Amngry Trwo Anmgry Kijds
Twwo Ahgry K9ds To Ahngry K9ids Tow Anhgry Ki9ds Tao Ajgry Klds Tawo Ajngry Twao Anjgry Kilds T3o Abgry Kods T3wo Abngry
Tw3o Anbgry Kiods Tdo Anggry Kkds Tdwo Anry Kkids Twdo Anrgy Kikds Teo Anhry K8ds Tewo K8ids Tweo Anghry Ki8ds Tso Anyry Kuds
Tswo Anygry Kuids Twso Angyry Kiuds T2o Anbry Kidds T2wo Kis Tw2o Angbry Kisd Tqo Anvry Kixs Tqwo Anvgry Kixds Twqo Angvry Kidxs

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