One Cup Of Coffee

You gotta be genuine, thats the name of this game
If you're real, you got nothin to worry about
But if you're synthetic the more your balls come off

I got the money like the lawyer said to do
But it can't replace the heart ache i cost you
Oh tomorrow I'll be leaving, i know
'cause one cup of coffee and then i'll go

I got the money like the lawyer said to do
But it can't replace the heart ache i cost you
Oh tomorrow I'll be leaving, i know
But one cup of coffee and then i'll go

One cup, before you fool yourself
Judge not, or you're not ready for judgement

Oh the road to life is rocky
And you may stumble too
So as you point your finger
Someone else is judging you

Judge not, before you judge yourself
Judge not, or you're not ready for judgement

Oh the road to life is rocky
And you may stumble too
So while you're laughin at me
Someone else is judging you

Mirror lyrics:

Someone else is judging you
So while you're laughin at me
And you may stumble too
Oh the road to life is rocky

Judge not, or you're not ready for judgement
Judge not, before you judge yourself

Someone else is judging you
So as you point your finger
And you may stumble too
Oh the road to life is rocky

Judge not, or you're not ready for judgement
One cup, before you fool yourself

But one cup of coffee and then i'll go
Oh tomorrow I'll be leaving, i know
But it can't replace the heart ache i cost you
I got the money like the lawyer said to do

'cause one cup of coffee and then i'll go
Oh tomorrow I'll be leaving, i know
But it can't replace the heart ache i cost you
I got the money like the lawyer said to do

But if you're synthetic the more your balls come off
If you're real, you got nothin to worry about
You gotta be genuine, thats the name of this game

Relevant Tags:
OOne CCup OOf CCoffee ne up f offee nOe uCp fO oCffee kne fup kf foffee kOne fCup kOf fCoffee Okne Cfup Okf Cfoffee
9ne xup 9f xoffee 9One xCup 9Of xCoffee O9ne Cxup O9f Cxoffee 0ne vup 0f voffee 0One vCup 0Of vCoffee O0ne Cvup O0f Cvoffee
lne dup lf doffee lOne dCup lOf dCoffee Olne Cdup Olf Cdoffee ine Cuup if Cooffee iOne Cp iOf Cffee Oine Cpu Oif Cfofee
Onne Chp Off Ckffee Oe Chup O Ckoffee Oen Cuhp Of Cokffee Ome C7p Oc C9ffee Omne C7up Ocf C9offee Onme Cu7p Ofc Co9ffee
Ohe Ckp Or C0ffee Ohne Ckup Orf C0offee Onhe Cukp Ofr Co0ffee Oje Cip Og Clffee Ojne Ciup Ogf Cloffee Onje Cuip Ofg Colffee
Obe C8p Ot Ciffee Obne C8up Otf Cioffee Onbe Cu8p Oft Coiffee Onee Cjp Ov Cofffee On Cjup Ovf Cofee One Cujp Ofv Coffee
Ons Cyp Od Cocfee Onse Cyup Odf Cocffee Ones Cuyp Ofd Cofcfee On3 Cupp Corfee On3e Cu Corffee One3 Cup Cofrfee
Onf Cu0 Cogfee Onfe Cu0p Cogffee Onef Cup0 Cofgfee Onr Cul Cotfee Onre Culp Cotffee Oner Cupl Coftfee
On4 Cuo Covfee On4e Cuop Covffee One4 Cupo Cofvfee

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