My Pride

Oh way oh way oh way oh , oh oh oh oh
You can not take my pride away oh oh oh oh
I fight you every single day oh oh oh oh
It's not my battle don't you know? oh oh oh oh
The poor do suffer, but don't show.oh oh oh oh
You live 3000 miles away
I hope you realize it
I wish you stopped your stupid way
You wasted too much of my time
Oh way oh way oh way oh , oh oh oh oh
Why can't you see what's going on! oh oh oh oh
Someone may starve but you're still gone oh oh oh oh
You fight for human rights all day oh oh oh oh
Why can't you back up what you say oh oh oh oh
Oh way oh way oh way oh, oh oh oh oh

Mirror lyrics:

Oh way oh way oh way oh, oh oh oh oh
Why can't you back up what you say oh oh oh oh
You fight for human rights all day oh oh oh oh
Someone may starve but you're still gone oh oh oh oh
Why can't you see what's going on! oh oh oh oh
Oh way oh way oh way oh , oh oh oh oh
You wasted too much of my time
I wish you stopped your stupid way
I hope you realize it
You live 3000 miles away
The poor do suffer, but don't show.oh oh oh oh
It's not my battle don't you know? oh oh oh oh
I fight you every single day oh oh oh oh
You can not take my pride away oh oh oh oh
Oh way oh way oh way oh , oh oh oh oh

Relevant Tags:
MMy PPride y ride yM rPide jy 0ride jMy 0Pride Mjy P0ride ky lride kMy lPride Mky Plride ny oride nMy oPride
Mny Poride Myy Prride M Pide My Pirde Mg Pdide Mgy Pdride Myg Prdide Mh P4ide Mhy P4ride Myh Pr4ide M6 Pgide
M6y Pgride My6 Prgide Mu Ptide Muy Ptride Myu Prtide M7 P5ide M7y P5ride My7 Pr5ide Mj Pfide Pfride Myj Prfide
Mt Peide Mty Peride Myt Preide Priide Prde Prdie Prjde Prjide Prijde Pr9de Pr9ide
Pri9de Prlde Prlide Prilde Prode Proide

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