Spirit Of The West

I was tired of being put right down by myself for not being what you thought you found
Pulled hard in two directions by a desire to learn and my old affections
I tried to share my world with you
you could not seem to tolerate
the people I have grown to love
they shrank under your scrutiny, became the ones you hate

everything with you and me had to be so political
everything with you and me had to be so political

I was feeling underwhelmed about hangin round with you and feeling over cautious,
every word, every look, evry little sign, every little phrase put me deeper in your dog house
you let me out to run across your world,
I ran into a wall you told me that I built it
then you'd reel me in,
reel me out,
pick me up,
push me out again,
and then repeat it.
Why did...
everything with you and me had to be so political
everything with you and me had to be so political

Everything, everything with you and me was...

too busy triping on my tongue to try and stnd my ground,
and I can still see myself crying in your lap asking you
"are you happy with the man you found?"

I'm greatful for wehat you did for me,
I can see things now i would have never seen
But today I thought of what could have been,
but could never be for you and me,


Mirror lyrics:


but could never be for you and me,
But today I thought of what could have been,
I can see things now i would have never seen
I'm greatful for wehat you did for me,

"are you happy with the man you found?"
and I can still see myself crying in your lap asking you
too busy triping on my tongue to try and stnd my ground,

Everything, everything with you and me was...

everything with you and me had to be so political
everything with you and me had to be so political
Why did...
and then repeat it.
push me out again,
pick me up,
reel me out,
then you'd reel me in,
I ran into a wall you told me that I built it
you let me out to run across your world,
every word, every look, evry little sign, every little phrase put me deeper in your dog house
I was feeling underwhelmed about hangin round with you and feeling over cautious,

everything with you and me had to be so political
everything with you and me had to be so political

they shrank under your scrutiny, became the ones you hate
the people I have grown to love
you could not seem to tolerate
I tried to share my world with you
Pulled hard in two directions by a desire to learn and my old affections
I was tired of being put right down by myself for not being what you thought you found

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