Big Head
Don't let me spend my career
Wound up in a bell jar, the pop star gone too far
Don't let me end up in here
A self-centered spaceman out orbiting Graceland
Hey, check out my place, man
They call it Disgraceland
I don't want to be the man with the big head
Never let me be the man with the big head
I'd rather live John Burrow's life instead
Of being the man with the big head
Don't let me take up the fight
Receive benediction from president Nixon
Don't leave me too long in the lights
I'll drop like the king wearing Icarus wings
Lights do funny things to some
Lights make my makeup run
I don't want to be the man with the big head
Never let me be the man with the big head
I'd rather live John Burrow's life instead
Of being the man with the big head
I hope that you'll never see
Me shirtless and groovy, in love in B movies
And when I talk about ME
You'll know things have worsened
When I'm in the 3rd person
I'm some other person
I'm somebody's purse and
I don't want to be the man with the big head
Never let me be the man with the big head
I'd rather live John Burrow's life instead
Of being the man with the big head
Big Head
Big Head (don't let me spend my career)
Big Head (don't let me spend my career)
Big Head
Of being the man with the big head
I'd rather live John Burrow's life instead
Never let me be the man with the big head
I don't want to be the man with the big head
I'm somebody's purse and
I'm some other person
When I'm in the 3rd person
You'll know things have worsened
And when I talk about ME
Me shirtless and groovy, in love in B movies
I hope that you'll never see
Of being the man with the big head
I'd rather live John Burrow's life instead
Never let me be the man with the big head
I don't want to be the man with the big head
Lights make my makeup run
Lights do funny things to some
I'll drop like the king wearing Icarus wings
Don't leave me too long in the lights
Receive benediction from president Nixon
Don't let me take up the fight
Of being the man with the big head
I'd rather live John Burrow's life instead
Never let me be the man with the big head
I don't want to be the man with the big head
They call it Disgraceland
Hey, check out my place, man
A self-centered spaceman out orbiting Graceland
Don't let me end up in here
Wound up in a bell jar, the pop star gone too far
Don't let me spend my career
BBig HHead |
| ig ead |
| iBg eHad |
| vig jead |
| vBig jHead |
| Bvig Hjead |
| gig uead |
| gBig uHead |
| Bgig Huead |
| nig nead |
| nBig nHead |
Bnig Hnead |
| hig bead |
| hBig bHead |
| Bhig Hbead |
| Biig gead |
| Bg gHead |
| Bgi Hgead |
| Bjg yead |
| Bjig yHead |
| Bijg Hyead |
| B9g Heead |
B9ig Had |
| Bi9g Haed |
| Blg Hsad |
| Blig Hsead |
| Bilg Hesad |
| Bog H3ad |
| Boig H3ead |
| Biog He3ad |
| Bkg Hfad |
| Bkig Hfead |
| Bikg Hefad |
B8g Hrad |
| B8ig Hread |
| Bi8g Herad |
| Bug H4ad |
| Buig H4ead |
| Biug He4ad |
| Bigg Hdad |