Sonic Youth
Sugar Kane (edit)

You're perfect in the way
A perfect end today
A-burnin' out their lights
And burnin' in their eyes
I love you sugar kane
A-comin' from the rain
Kiss me like a frog
And turn me into flame
I love you all the time
I need you 829
I could stay all night
Your body shinin'

And I know
There's something down there, sugar soul
Back to the cross, a twisted lane
There's something down there, sugar kane

I'm back again in love
I'm back again a dove
Where'd you get your light?
A smilin' sugar life
Another lover's day
Another cracked up night
Every night I say
A light is comin'

And I know
There's something down there, sugar cone
Back to the cross, a twisted lane
There's something down there, sugar cane

Hey angel come and play
Fly me away
A stroll along the beach
Until you're out of time
I love you sugar kane
A crack into the dream
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar

Mirror lyrics:

I love you sugar
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane
A crack into the dream
I love you sugar kane
Until you're out of time
A stroll along the beach
Fly me away
Hey angel come and play

There's something down there, sugar cane
Back to the cross, a twisted lane
There's something down there, sugar cone
And I know

A light is comin'
Every night I say
Another cracked up night
Another lover's day
A smilin' sugar life
Where'd you get your light?
I'm back again a dove
I'm back again in love

There's something down there, sugar kane
Back to the cross, a twisted lane
There's something down there, sugar soul
And I know

Your body shinin'
I could stay all night
I need you 829
I love you all the time
And turn me into flame
Kiss me like a frog
A-comin' from the rain
I love you sugar kane
And burnin' in their eyes
A-burnin' out their lights
A perfect end today
You're perfect in the way

Relevant Tags:
SSugar KKane ((edit) ugar ane edit) uSgar aKne e(dit) zugar lane (eedit) zSugar lKane (dit) Szugar Klane (deit)
wugar oane (sdit) wSugar oKane (sedit) Swugar Koane (esdit) dugar mane (3dit) dSugar mKane (3edit) Sdugar Kmane (e3dit)
eugar jane (fdit) eSugar jKane (fedit) Seugar Kjane (efdit) xugar iane (rdit) xSugar iKane (redit) Sxugar Kiane (erdit)
augar Kaane (4dit) aSugar Kne (4edit) Saugar Knae (e4dit) Suugar Kzne (ddit) Sgar Kzane (dedit) Sguar Kazne (eddit)
Shgar Kqne (wdit) Shugar Kqane (wedit) Suhgar Kaqne (ewdit) S7gar Ksne S7ugar Ksane (eit) Su7gar Kasne (eidt)
Skgar Kwne (exit) Skugar Kwane (exdit) Sukgar Kawne (edxit) Sigar Kxne (eeit) Siugar Kxane Suigar Kaxne (edeit)
S8gar Kanne (efit) S8ugar Kae Su8gar Kaen (edfit) Sjgar Kame (erit) Sjugar Kamne Sujgar Kanme (edrit)
Sygar Kahe (ecit) Syugar Kahne (ecdit) Suygar Kanhe (edcit) Suggar Kaje (esit) Suar Kajne Suagr Kanje (edsit)
Suhar Kabe (ediit) Kabne (edt) Sughar Kanbe (edti) Suyar Kanee (edjt) Kan (edjit)

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