Sonic Youth
Beat On The Brat


beat on the brat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

beat on the brat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

what can you do?
what can you do?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you lose?

what can you do?
what can you do?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you lose?

beat on the brat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

beat on the brat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

what can you do?
what can you do?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you lose?

what can you do?
what can you do?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you lose?

Mirror lyrics:

what can you lose?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you do?
what can you do?

what can you lose?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you do?
what can you do?

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat

what can you lose?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you do?
what can you do?

what can you lose?
with a brat like that always on your back
what can you do?
what can you do?

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat

oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh
beat on the brat with a baseball bat
beat on the brat
beat on the brat


Relevant Tags:
BBeat OOn TThe BBrat eat n he rat eBat nO hTe rBat veat kn fhe vrat vBeat kOn fThe vBrat Bveat Okn Tfhe Bvrat geat 9n 5he grat
gBeat 9On 5The gBrat Bgeat O9n T5he Bgrat neat 0n hhe nrat nBeat 0On hThe nBrat Bneat O0n Thhe Bnrat heat ln yhe hrat hBeat lOn yThe hBrat
Bheat Oln Tyhe Bhrat Beeat in 6he Brrat Bat iOn 6The Bat Baet Oin T6he Bart Bsat Onn ghe Bdat Bseat O gThe Bdrat Besat On Tghe Brdat
B3at Om rhe B4at B3eat Omn rThe B4rat Be3at Onm Trhe Br4at Bfat Oh Bgat Bfeat Ohn Te Befat Onh Teh Brgat Brat Oj Tje Btat
Breat Ojn Tjhe Btrat Berat Onj Thje Brtat B4at Ob Tue B5at B4eat Obn Tuhe B5rat Be4at Onb Thue Br5at Bdat Tne Bfat Bdeat Tnhe Bfrat
Bedat Thne Brfat Bwat Tbe Beat Bweat Tbhe Berat Bewat Thbe Breat Beaat Tge Braat

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