Sonia Dada
Planes & Satellites

When I was a boy
You know my momma would say to me
The world's a mystery, of darkness and light

When I was a (TA?)
I was sent off to inner space
To escape the evil place, I was livin' in
Well, well

When I was a long-hair
I would close my eyes at night
Filled with imaginary light, with the moon and stars
yeah, yeah

But I remember
Livin' in the street
And then my heart just drifts away, into the night
Well, well, well

In the sky, in the sky, in the sky, in the sky
They got the planes and satellites
Yeah, airplanes and satellites
Whoa, whoa

(chorus repeat)

You know my momma said, boy
She said, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby boy
You're the one that's safe?
You know that evil ain't goin' away
It ain't goin' away, no, no

But I look up in the sky, yeah yeah
It ain't flooded with the stars
Pretty lights are flying across
Shinin' on me yeah yeah

(chorus x2)

When I was a boy
I remember livin' in the streets
I didn't have enough to eat
It was a misery, yeah.

But I could wake up
And look up in the sky
Hoping that God's light
Would shine on me, yeah yeah

(chorus x2)

Mirror lyrics:

(chorus x2)

Would shine on me, yeah yeah
Hoping that God's light
And look up in the sky
But I could wake up

It was a misery, yeah.
I didn't have enough to eat
I remember livin' in the streets
When I was a boy

(chorus x2)

Shinin' on me yeah yeah
Pretty lights are flying across
It ain't flooded with the stars
But I look up in the sky, yeah yeah

It ain't goin' away, no, no
You know that evil ain't goin' away
You're the one that's safe?
She said, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby boy
You know my momma said, boy

(chorus repeat)

Whoa, whoa
Yeah, airplanes and satellites
They got the planes and satellites
In the sky, in the sky, in the sky, in the sky

Well, well, well
And then my heart just drifts away, into the night
Livin' in the street
But I remember

yeah, yeah
Filled with imaginary light, with the moon and stars
I would close my eyes at night
When I was a long-hair

Well, well
To escape the evil place, I was livin' in
I was sent off to inner space
When I was a (TA?)

The world's a mystery, of darkness and light
You know my momma would say to me
When I was a boy

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