It's Not Your Day To Shine

Pull me down
Throw me down on the ground
Hey, leave me behind
I'll be fine

Hey, cause it's not your day to shine
Did someone else take your pride?
That you left behind

You're standing guardedly, yeah
Its over, it's done for
It's nothing anymore


You're standing guardedly, yeah
It's over, it's done for,
It's nothing anymore


Mirror lyrics:


It's nothing anymore
It's over, it's done for,
You're standing guardedly, yeah


It's nothing anymore
Its over, it's done for
You're standing guardedly, yeah

That you left behind
Did someone else take your pride?
Hey, cause it's not your day to shine

I'll be fine
Hey, leave me behind
Throw me down on the ground
Pull me down

Relevant Tags:
IIt's NNot YYour DDay TTo SShine t's ot our ay o hine tI's oNt oYur aDy oT hSine jt's mot gour xay fo zhine jIt's mNot gYour xDay fTo zShine
Ijt's Nmot Ygour Dxay Tfo Szhine 9t's hot hour eay 5o whine 9It's hNot hYour eDay 5To wShine I9t's Nhot Yhour Deay T5o Swhine lt's jot 6our fay ho dhine
lIt's jNot 6Your fDay hTo dShine Ilt's Njot Y6our Dfay Tho Sdhine ot's bot uour ray yo ehine oIt's bNot uYour rDay yTo eShine Iot's Nbot Yuour Dray Tyo Sehine
kt's Noot 7our cay 6o xhine kIt's Nt 7Your cDay 6To xShine Ikt's Nto Y7our Dcay T6o Sxhine 8t's Nkt jour say go ahine 8It's Nkot jYour sDay gTo aShine
I8t's Nokt Yjour Dsay Tgo Sahine ut's N9t tour Daay ro Shhine uIt's N9ot tYour Dy rTo Sine Iut's No9t Ytour Dya Tro Sihne Itt's N0t Yoour Dzy Too Sjine
I's N0ot Yur Dzay T Sjhine I'ts No0t Yuor Dazy To Shjine If's Nlt Ykur Dqy Tk Suine Ift's Nlot Ykour Dqay Tko Suhine Itf's Nolt Yokur Daqy Tok Shuine
I5's Nit Y9ur Dsy T9 Snine I5t's Niot Y9our T9o Snhine It5's Noit Yo9ur Dasy To9 Shnine Ih's Nott Y0ur Dwy T0 Sbine Iht's No Y0our Dway T0o Sbhine
Ith's Not Yo0ur Dawy To0 Shbine Iy's Nof Ylur Dxy Tl Sgine Iyt's Noft Ylour Tlo Sghine Ity's Notf Yolur Daxy Tol Shgine I6's No5 Yiur Dayy Ti Syine
I6t's No5t Yiour Da Tio Syhine It6's Not5 Yoiur Day Toi Shyine Ig's Noh Youur Dag Shiine Igt's Noht Yor Dagy Shne Itg's Noth Yoru Dayg Shnie
Ir's Noy Yohr Dah Shjne Irt's Noyt Yohur Dahy Itr's Noty Youhr Dayh Shijne It''s No6 Yo7r Da6 Sh9ne Its No6t Yo7ur Da6y Sh9ine
Its' Not6 You7r Day6 Shi9ne

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