Happy If It Kills Me

I think about you all the time
I'll drink to that, here's to you
Take a valium anytime
Take two if you think you need to
You're every world to me
Every world to me

I think about you all the time
I'll drink to that, here's to you
Move your hand, give me a sign
I'll wake you up if I need to

You're every world to me
You'll make it happy if it kills you
(You're every world to me)
I wonder when this kicks in

I think about you, I am fine
Your vaccant stare means you're mine
Another ??? should keep you

You're every world to me
Make it happy if it kills you
You're every world to me
Your love is a bottle and it thrills me

Come kiss my wings
Please take me home
My eyes are closed

I think about you all the time
I'll drink to that here's to you
Take a valium anytime
Take two if you think you need to

(X2) You're every world to me
Make it happy if it kills you
You're every world to me
Your love is a bottle and it thrills me

Mirror lyrics:

Your love is a bottle and it thrills me
You're every world to me
Make it happy if it kills you
(X2) You're every world to me

Take two if you think you need to
Take a valium anytime
I'll drink to that here's to you
I think about you all the time

My eyes are closed
Please take me home
Come kiss my wings

Your love is a bottle and it thrills me
You're every world to me
Make it happy if it kills you
You're every world to me

Another ??? should keep you
Your vaccant stare means you're mine
I think about you, I am fine

I wonder when this kicks in
(You're every world to me)
You'll make it happy if it kills you
You're every world to me

I'll wake you up if I need to
Move your hand, give me a sign
I'll drink to that, here's to you
I think about you all the time

Every world to me
You're every world to me
Take two if you think you need to
Take a valium anytime
I'll drink to that, here's to you
I think about you all the time

Relevant Tags:
HHappy IIf IIt KKills MMe appy f t ills e aHppy fI tI iKlls eM jappy jf jt lills je jHappy jIf jIt lKills jMe Hjappy Ijf Ijt Klills Mje
uappy 9f 9t oills ke uHappy 9If 9It oKills kMe Huappy I9f I9t Koills Mke nappy lf lt mills ne nHappy lIf lIt mKills nMe Hnappy Ilf Ilt Kmills Mne
bappy of ot jills Mee bHappy oIf oIt jKills M Hbappy Iof Iot Kjills Me gappy kf kt iills Ms gHappy kIf kIt iKills Mse Hgappy Ikf Ikt Kiills Mes
yappy 8f 8t M3 yHappy 8If 8It Klls M3e Hyappy I8f I8t Klils Me3 Haappy uf ut Kjlls Mf Hppy uIf uIt Mfe Hpapy Iuf Iut Kijlls Mef
Hzppy Iff Itt K9lls Mr Hzappy I I K9ills Mre Hazppy If It Ki9lls Mer Hqppy Ic If Kllls M4 Hqappy Icf Ift M4e Haqppy Ifc Itf Killls Me4
Hsppy Ir I5 Kolls Md Hsappy Irf I5t Mde Hasppy Ifr It5 Kiolls Med Hwppy Ig Ih Kklls Mw Hwappy Igf Iht Kkills Mwe Hawppy Ifg Ith Kiklls Mew
Hxppy It Iy K8lls Hxappy Itf Iyt K8ills Haxppy Ift Ity Ki8lls Happpy Iv I6 Kulls Hapy Ivf I6t Kuills

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