Smoking Popes
They Lied

They lied about the way
Things were gonna be
They lied about the things
They wanted from me

They lied about the reasons
They wanted me at all
And now

I sit around and lie to myself
About how great things were way back when
I keep forgetting why I was so willing to believe those lies

Mirror lyrics:

I keep forgetting why I was so willing to believe those lies
About how great things were way back when
I sit around and lie to myself

And now
They wanted me at all
They lied about the reasons

They wanted from me
They lied about the things
Things were gonna be
They lied about the way

Relevant Tags:
TThey LLied hey ied hTey iLed fhey kied fThey kLied Tfhey Lkied 5hey oied 5They oLied T5hey Loied hhey pied hThey pLied
Thhey Lpied yhey Liied yThey Led Tyhey Leid 6hey Ljed 6They Ljied T6hey Lijed ghey L9ed gThey L9ied Tghey Li9ed rhey Lled
rThey Llied Trhey Liled Loed Tey Tehy Lioed Tjey Lked Tjhey Thjey Liked Tuey L8ed Tuhey L8ied Thuey Li8ed
Tney Lued Tnhey Luied Thney Liued Tbey Lieed Tbhey Lid Thbey Lide Tgey Lisd Lised Thgey Liesd Tyey Li3d Li3ed
Thyey Lie3d

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