Smoking Popes
Let's Hear It For Love

Let's hear it for heartache
Let's hear it for pain
Let's hear it for poison tears that wash your dreams down the drain
Let's hear it for sleepless nights
Let's do it again
Let's hear it for love

Let's hear it for
Let's hear it for love
Let's hear it for
Let's hear it for love
Pick your heart up off the floor
This is what you've been waiting for
Let's hear it for love

Let's hear it for promises
Something to seal with a kiss
Let's hear it for big mistakes
That you just couldn't resist
Let's hear it for bucket seats
Let's try it like this

Let's hear it for letting someone totally ruin your life
Let's hear it for love
Let's hope it's everything you hoped it would be

Let's hear it for jealousy
Let's hear it for hate
Let's hear it an apology before it's too late
Let's hear it for cigarettes
Baby you were great

Let's hear it for love

Let's hear it for
Let's hear it for love

Mirror lyrics:

Let's hear it for love
Let's hear it for

Let's hear it for love

Baby you were great
Let's hear it for cigarettes
Let's hear it an apology before it's too late
Let's hear it for hate
Let's hear it for jealousy

Let's hope it's everything you hoped it would be
Let's hear it for love
Let's hear it for letting someone totally ruin your life

Let's try it like this
Let's hear it for bucket seats
That you just couldn't resist
Let's hear it for big mistakes
Something to seal with a kiss
Let's hear it for promises

Let's hear it for love
This is what you've been waiting for
Pick your heart up off the floor
Let's hear it for love
Let's hear it for
Let's hear it for love
Let's hear it for

Let's hear it for love
Let's do it again
Let's hear it for sleepless nights
Let's hear it for poison tears that wash your dreams down the drain
Let's hear it for pain
Let's hear it for heartache

Relevant Tags:
LLet's HHear IIt FFor LLove et's ear t or ove eLt's eHar tI oFr oLve ket's jear jt cor kove kLet's jHear jIt cFor kLove Lket's Hjear Ijt Fcor Lkove
oet's uear 9t ror oove oLet's uHear 9It rFor oLove Loet's Huear I9t Fror Loove pet's near lt gor pove pLet's nHear lIt gFor pLove Lpet's Hnear Ilt Fgor Lpove
Leet's bear ot tor Lt's bHear oIt tFor Lve Lte's Hbear Iot Ftor Lvoe Lst's gear kt vor Lkve Lset's gHear kIt vFor Lest's Hgear Ikt Fvor Lokve
L3t's year 8t dor L9ve L3et's yHear 8It dFor L9ove Le3t's Hyear I8t Fdor Lo9ve Lft's Heear ut Foor L0ve Lfet's Har uIt Fr L0ove Left's Haer Iut Fro Lo0ve
Lrt's Hsar Itt Fkr Llve Lret's Hsear I Fkor Llove Lert's Hesar It Fokr Lolve L4t's H3ar If F9r Live L4et's H3ear Ift F9or Liove Le4t's He3ar Itf Fo9r Loive
Ldt's Hfar I5 F0r Lovve Ldet's Hfear I5t F0or Loe Ledt's Hefar It5 Fo0r Loev Lwt's Hrar Ih Flr Lobe Lwet's Hrear Iht Flor Lobve Lewt's Herar Ith Folr Lovbe
Lett's H4ar Iy Fir Loce Le's H4ear Iyt Fior Locve Le'ts He4ar Ity Foir Lovce Lef's Hdar I6 Forr Loge Hdear I6t Fo Logve Letf's Hedar It6 For Lovge
Le5's Hwar Ig Fod Lofe

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