Smoking Popes
Leather And Lace

Is love so fragile?
Is a heart so hollow?
Shatter with words
Impossible to follow

You're saying I'm fragile
Try not to be like such a way
For something I can't say

But I have my own life
And I am stronger than you know

Still I carry this feeling
When you came into my house
You won't be walking out the door

Still I carry this feeling
When you came into my house
You won't be walking out the door

Lovers forever
Face to face
My city or mountains
Stay with me, stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give me your leather
Take from me my lace

You weeped in the moonlight
With your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me?

And you were right
When I walked into your house
You knew I never want you to leave

Sometimes I'm a strong man
Sometimes cold and scared
Sometimes I cry

But that time I saw you
I knew with you to light my nights
Somehow I'd get by

[Chorus twice]

Take from me my lace [repeat until end of song]

Mirror lyrics:

Take from me my lace [repeat until end of song]

[Chorus twice]

Somehow I'd get by
I knew with you to light my nights
But that time I saw you

Sometimes I cry
Sometimes cold and scared
Sometimes I'm a strong man

You knew I never want you to leave
When I walked into your house
And you were right

Could you ever love a man like me?
With your sleepy eyes
You weeped in the moonlight

Take from me my lace
Give me your leather
I need you today
I need you to love me
Stay with me, stay
My city or mountains
Face to face
Lovers forever

You won't be walking out the door
When you came into my house
Still I carry this feeling

You won't be walking out the door
When you came into my house
Still I carry this feeling

And I am stronger than you know
But I have my own life

For something I can't say
Try not to be like such a way
You're saying I'm fragile

Impossible to follow
Shatter with words
Is a heart so hollow?
Is love so fragile?

Relevant Tags:
LLeather AAnd LLace eather nd ace eLather nAd aLce keather znd kace kLeather zAnd kLace Lkeather Aznd Lkace oeather qnd oace
oLeather qAnd oLace Loeather Aqnd Loace peather snd pace pLeather sAnd pLace Lpeather Asnd Lpace Leeather wnd Laace Lather wAnd Lce
Laether Awnd Lcae Lsather xnd Lzce Lseather xAnd Lzace Lesather Axnd Lazce L3ather Annd Lqce L3eather Ad Lqace Le3ather Adn Laqce
Lfather Amd Lsce Lfeather Amnd Lsace Lefather Anmd Lasce Lrather Ahd Lwce Lreather Ahnd Lwace Lerather Anhd Lawce L4ather Ajd Lxce
L4eather Ajnd Lxace Le4ather Anjd Laxce Ldather Abd Lacce Ldeather Abnd Lae Ledather Anbd Laec Lwather Andd Lafe Lweather An Lafce
Lewather And Lacfe Leaather Anx Laxe Lether Anxd Letaher Andx Lacxe Lezther Ane Lave Lezather Aned Lavce Leazther Ande Lacve
Leqther Anf Lade Leqather Anfd Ladce Leaqther Andf Lacde Lesther Anr Lacee Anrd Lac Leasther Andr Lace Lewther Anc Lacs
Ancd Lacse Leawther Andc Laces Lexther Ans Lac3 Lexather Ansd Lac3e Leaxther Ands Lace3 Leatther Lacf Leaher
Leahter Lacef Leafher Lacr Leafther Lacre Leatfher Lacer Lea5her Lac4 Lea5ther Lac4e Leat5her Lace4
Leahher Lacd Leahther Leathher Laced Leayher Lacw Leayther Lacwe Leatyher Lacew

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