When My Back Was Against The Wall

When my back was against the wall, she called me names,
When I was feeling small, she called me names,
Molly said she had to go, it don't seem right,
Just when I was feeling low, we had to fight.

Don't you know, don't you now,
Don't you know, don't you know,
Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her
Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her.

When my sky was turning grey, she'd bring me down,
Couldn't face another day, she'd bring me down,
Well many times she said she'd go, but she would stay,
I didn't really think that she would go away.

Don't you know, don't you now,
Don't you know, don't you know,
Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her
Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her.

When my confidence was low, she'd turn away,
Didn't know which way to go, she'd turn away.

Mirror lyrics:

Didn't know which way to go, she'd turn away.
When my confidence was low, she'd turn away,

Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her.
Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her
Don't you know, don't you know,
Don't you know, don't you now,

I didn't really think that she would go away.
Well many times she said she'd go, but she would stay,
Couldn't face another day, she'd bring me down,
When my sky was turning grey, she'd bring me down,

Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her.
Gladly I would give a piece of mind to live without her
Don't you know, don't you know,
Don't you know, don't you now,

Just when I was feeling low, we had to fight.
Molly said she had to go, it don't seem right,
When I was feeling small, she called me names,
When my back was against the wall, she called me names,

Relevant Tags:
WWhen MMy BBack WWas AAgainst TThe WWall hen y ack as gainst he all hWen yM aBck aWs gAainst hTe aWll ahen jy vack aas zgainst fhe aall aWhen jMy vBack aWas zAgainst fThe aWall
Wahen Mjy Bvack Waas Azgainst Tfhe Waall 3hen ky gack 3as qgainst 5he 3all 3When kMy gBack 3Was qAgainst 5The 3Wall W3hen Mky Bgack W3as Aqgainst T5he W3all dhen ny nack das sgainst hhe dall
dWhen nMy nBack dWas sAgainst hThe dWall Wdhen Mny Bnack Wdas Asgainst Thhe Wdall ehen Myy hack eas wgainst yhe eall eWhen M hBack eWas wAgainst yThe eWall Wehen My Bhack Weas Awgainst Tyhe Weall
shen Mg Baack sas xgainst 6he sall sWhen Mgy Bck sWas xAgainst 6The sWall Wshen Myg Bcak Wsas Axgainst T6he Wsall 2hen Mh Bzck 2as Aggainst ghe 2all 2When Mhy Bzack 2Was Aainst gThe 2Wall
W2hen Myh Bazck W2as Aaginst Tghe W2all qhen M6 Bqck qas Ahainst rhe qall qWhen M6y Bqack qWas Ahgainst rThe qWall Wqhen My6 Baqck Wqas Aghainst Trhe Wqall Whhen Mu Bsck Ayainst
Wen Muy Bsack Ws Aygainst Te Wll Wehn Myu Basck Wsa Agyainst Teh Wlal Wjen M7 Bwck Wzs Abainst Tje Wzll Wjhen M7y Bwack Wzas Abgainst Tjhe Wzall Whjen My7 Bawck Wazs Agbainst Thje Wazll
Wuen Mj Bxck Wqs Avainst Tue Wqll Wuhen Bxack Avgainst Tuhe Whuen Myj Baxck Waqs Agvainst Thue Waqll Wnen Mt Bacck Wss Afainst Tne Wsll Wnhen Mty Bak Afgainst Tnhe
Whnen Myt Bakc Wass Agfainst Thne Wasll Wben Bafk Wws Atainst Tbe Wwll Wbhen Bafck Wwas Atgainst Tbhe Wwall Whben Bacfk Waws Agtainst Thbe Wawll Wgen Baxk Wxs Agaainst Tge Wxll
Wghen Wxas Aginst Wxall Whgen Bacxk Waxs Agianst Thge Waxll Wyen Bavk Agzinst Tye Walll Wyhen Bavck Wa Agzainst Wal Whyen Bacvk Was Agazinst Thye Wall
Wheen Badk Waz Agqinst Thee Wakl Whn Badck Agqainst Th Wakll Whne Bacdk Wasz Agaqinst The Walkl Whsn Backk Waw Agsinst Ths Waol Whsen Bac Agsainst Thse Waoll
Whesn Back Wasw Agasinst Thes Walol Wh3n Bacl Wad Agwinst Th3 Wapl Wh3en Baclk Wads Agwainst Th3e Wapll Whe3n Backl Wasd Agawinst The3 Walpl Whfn Baco Wae Agxinst Thf
Whfen Bacok Waes Agxainst Thfe Whefn Backo Wase Agaxinst Thef Whrn Bacm Wax Agaiinst Thr Walk Whren Bacmk Aganst Thre Whern Backm Wasx Aganist Ther Wallk
Wh4n Bacj Waa Agajnst Th4 Walo Wh4en Bacjk Agajinst Th4e Whe4n Backj Wasa Agaijnst The4 Wallo Whdn Baci Aga9nst Thd Walp Whden Bacik Aga9inst Thde
Whedn Backi Agai9nst Thed Wallp Whwn Agalnst Thw Whwen Agalinst Thwe Whewn Agailnst Thew Whenn Agaonst

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