Sons Of The Pioneers
Git Along Little Doggies

As I walked out one morning for pleasure,
I met a cowpuncher a jogging along;
His hat was throwed back and his spurs was a jingling,
And as he advanced he was singing this song.

Yippee Ti Yi Yo, get along little dogies
It's your misfortune and none of my own
Yippee Ti Yi Yo get along little dogies
For you know that Wyoming will soon be your home.

Early in the springtime we round up the dogies
Mark them and brand them and bob off their tails
Round up the horses and load the chuck wagon
Throw them little dogies right out on the trail.

In the evening we round in the dogies
As they are grazing from herd all around
You have no idea the trouble they give us
As we are holding them on the bed ground.

In the morning we throw off the bed ground
Aiming to graze them an hour or two
When they are full, you think you can drive them
On the trail, but damned if you do.

Some fellows go on the trail for pleasure,
But they have got this thing down wrong;
If it hadn't been for these troublesome dogies,
I never would thought of writing this song...

Mirror lyrics:

I never would thought of writing this song...
If it hadn't been for these troublesome dogies,
But they have got this thing down wrong;
Some fellows go on the trail for pleasure,

On the trail, but damned if you do.
When they are full, you think you can drive them
Aiming to graze them an hour or two
In the morning we throw off the bed ground

As we are holding them on the bed ground.
You have no idea the trouble they give us
As they are grazing from herd all around
In the evening we round in the dogies

Throw them little dogies right out on the trail.
Round up the horses and load the chuck wagon
Mark them and brand them and bob off their tails
Early in the springtime we round up the dogies

For you know that Wyoming will soon be your home.
Yippee Ti Yi Yo get along little dogies
It's your misfortune and none of my own
Yippee Ti Yi Yo, get along little dogies

And as he advanced he was singing this song.
His hat was throwed back and his spurs was a jingling,
I met a cowpuncher a jogging along;
As I walked out one morning for pleasure,

Relevant Tags:
GGit AAlong LLittle DDoggies it long ittle oggies iGt lAong iLttle oDggies hit zlong kittle xoggies hGit zAlong kLittle xDoggies Ghit Azlong Lkittle Dxoggies
yit qlong oittle eoggies yGit qAlong oLittle eDoggies Gyit Aqlong Loittle Deoggies bit slong pittle foggies bGit sAlong pLittle fDoggies Gbit Aslong Lpittle Dfoggies
vit wlong Liittle roggies vGit wAlong Lttle rDoggies Gvit Awlong Ltitle Droggies fit xlong Ljttle coggies fGit xAlong Ljittle cDoggies Gfit Axlong Lijttle Dcoggies
tit Allong L9ttle soggies tGit Aong L9ittle sDoggies Gtit Aolng Li9ttle Dsoggies Giit Akong Llttle Dooggies Gt Aklong Llittle Dggies Gti Alkong Lilttle Dgogies
Gjt Aoong Lottle Dkggies Gjit Aolong Dkoggies Gijt Aloong Liottle Dokggies G9t Apong Lkttle D9ggies G9it Aplong D9oggies Gi9t Alpong Likttle Do9ggies
Glt L8ttle D0ggies Glit Alng L8ittle D0oggies Gilt Alnog Li8ttle Do0ggies Got Alkng Luttle Dlggies Goit Luittle Dloggies Giot Alokng Liuttle Dolggies
Gkt Al9ng Litttle Diggies Gkit Al9ong Litle Dioggies Gikt Alo9ng Little Doiggies G8t Al0ng Liftle Dogggies G8it Al0ong Lifttle Dogies Gi8t Alo0ng Litftle Doggies
Gut Allng Li5tle Dohgies Guit Li5ttle Dohggies Giut Alolng Lit5tle Doghgies Gitt Aling Lihtle Doygies Gi Aliong Lihttle Doyggies Git Aloing Lithtle Dogygies
Gif Alonng Liytle Dobgies Gift Alog Liyttle Dobggies Gitf Alogn Litytle Dogbgies Gi5 Alomg Li6tle Dovgies Gi5t Alomng Li6ttle Dovggies Git5 Alonmg Lit6tle Dogvgies
Gih Alohg Ligtle Dofgies Giht Alohng Ligttle Dofggies Gith Alonhg Litgtle Dogfgies Giy Alojg Lirtle Dotgies Giyt Alojng Lirttle Dotggies Gity Alonjg Litrtle Dogtgies
Gi6 Alobg Gi6t Alobng Git6 Alonbg Litlte Dogiges Gig Alongg Litfle Doghies Gigt Alon Gitg Along Littfle Dogghies
Gir Alonh Lit5le Dogyies Girt Gitr Alongh Litt5le Doggyies

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