Sons Of The Desert
That's The Kinda Love You're In

You wonder what we have
Will our love start getting old?
Well maybe when the ocean's dry
Or when the sun turns cold
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
All my days I'm by your side
'Til I have no days left to give
But from the bottom of my soul
You're the reason I live
And baby, that's the kind of love you're in

They're promises by them I will stand
They're nothing less than everything I am
I'll walk through fire for you
Just say when
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in

Like a soldier with no fear
He could die today at war
He loves the life God's given him
But he loves his country more
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in

They're promises by them I will stand
They're nothing less than everything I am
I'll walk through fire for you
Just say when
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in

I'll do my best to make sure
You know you're in good hands
You can take my word
I'll do the best I can

They're promises by them I will stand
They're nothing less than everything I am
I'll walk through fire for you
Just say when
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in

Mirror lyrics:

Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Just say when
I'll walk through fire for you
They're nothing less than everything I am
They're promises by them I will stand

I'll do the best I can
You can take my word
You know you're in good hands
I'll do my best to make sure

Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Just say when
I'll walk through fire for you
They're nothing less than everything I am
They're promises by them I will stand

Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
But he loves his country more
He loves the life God's given him
He could die today at war
Like a soldier with no fear

Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Just say when
I'll walk through fire for you
They're nothing less than everything I am
They're promises by them I will stand

And baby, that's the kind of love you're in
You're the reason I live
But from the bottom of my soul
'Til I have no days left to give
All my days I'm by your side
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Baby, that's the kind of love you're in
Or when the sun turns cold
Well maybe when the ocean's dry
Will our love start getting old?
You wonder what we have

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