Sonny James
There's Always Another Day

There's always another day to hope you'll come home

There's always another night to cry all alone

The only way I go on hurting this way

Is when I tell myself there's always another day

There's always another day and I'm waitin' here

Just hoping that you'll come back and dry all my tears

I know I must believe you'll come back to stay

And so I tell myself there's always another day

[ choir ]

I know I must believe you'll come back to stay

And so I tell mysels there's always another day there's always another day

Mirror lyrics:

And so I tell mysels there's always another day there's always another day

I know I must believe you'll come back to stay

[ choir ]

And so I tell myself there's always another day

I know I must believe you'll come back to stay

Just hoping that you'll come back and dry all my tears

There's always another day and I'm waitin' here

Is when I tell myself there's always another day

The only way I go on hurting this way

There's always another night to cry all alone

There's always another day to hope you'll come home

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TThere's AAlways AAnother DDay here's lways nother ay hTere's lAways nAother aDy fhere's zlways znother xay fThere's zAlways zAnother xDay
Tfhere's Azlways Aznother Dxay 5here's qlways qnother eay 5There's qAlways qAnother eDay T5here's Aqlways Aqnother Deay hhere's slways snother fay
hThere's sAlways sAnother fDay Thhere's Aslways Asnother Dfay yhere's wlways wnother ray yThere's wAlways wAnother rDay Tyhere's Awlways Awnother Dray
6here's xlways xnother cay 6There's xAlways xAnother cDay T6here's Axlways Axnother Dcay ghere's Allways Annother say gThere's Aways Aother sDay
Tghere's Awlays Aonther Dsay rhere's Akways Amother Daay rThere's Aklways Amnother Dy Trhere's Alkways Anmother Dya Aoways Ahother Dzy
Tere's Aolways Ahnother Dzay Tehre's Aloways Anhother Dazy Tjere's Apways Ajother Dqy Tjhere's Aplways Ajnother Dqay Thjere's Alpways Anjother Daqy
Tuere's Alwways Abother Dsy Tuhere's Alays Abnother Thuere's Alawys Anbother Dasy Tnere's Alaays Anoother Dwy Tnhere's Alaways Anther Dway
Thnere's Alwaays Antoher Dawy Tbere's Al3ays Ankther Dxy Tbhere's Al3ways Ankother Thbere's Alw3ays Anokther Daxy Tgere's Aldays An9ther Dayy
Aldways An9other Da Thgere's Alwdays Ano9ther Day Tyere's Aleays An0ther Dag Aleways An0other Dagy Thyere's Alweays Ano0ther Dayg
Theere's Alsays Anlther Dah Thre's Alsways Anlother Dahy Three's Alwsays Anolther Dayh Thsre's Al2ays Anither Da6 Thsere's Al2ways Aniother Da6y
Thesre's Alw2ays Anoither Day6 Th3re's Alqays Anotther Dau Th3ere's Alqways Anoher Dauy The3re's Alwqays Anohter Dayu Thfre's Anofher Da7
Thfere's Alwys Anofther Da7y Thefre's Alwyas Anotfher Day7 Thrre's Alwzys Ano5her Daj Threre's Alwzays Ano5ther Dajy Therre's Alwazys Anot5her Dayj
Th4re's Alwqys Anohher Dat Th4ere's Anohther Daty The4re's Alwaqys Anothher Dayt Thdre's Alwsys Anoyher Thdere's Anoyther
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