Sonny James
Peace In My Soul

Peace in my soul, peace in my soul

Lord give me peace in my soul

And when nothing goes my way

Teach me to say

"Lord give me peace in my soul"

No sooner born than we start to die

Our life's just a menu seen in God's eyes

Through His grace we are here

We're not too proud in despair

So Lord give me peace in my soul

Peace in my soul, peace in my soul

Lord give me peace in my soul

And when nothing goes my way

Teach me to say

"Lord give me peace in my soul"

I'd rather know that my soul is at rest

Than to own all the world

But how sins to forget

Oh, I'll be satisfied if every day of my life

The Lord gives me peace in my soul

Peace in my soul, peace in my soul

Lord give me peace in my soul

And when nothing goes my way

Teach me to say

"Lord give me peace in my soul

Lord give me peace in my soul"

Mirror lyrics:

Lord give me peace in my soul"

"Lord give me peace in my soul

Teach me to say

And when nothing goes my way

Lord give me peace in my soul

Peace in my soul, peace in my soul

The Lord gives me peace in my soul

Oh, I'll be satisfied if every day of my life

But how sins to forget

Than to own all the world

I'd rather know that my soul is at rest

"Lord give me peace in my soul"

Teach me to say

And when nothing goes my way

Lord give me peace in my soul

Peace in my soul, peace in my soul

So Lord give me peace in my soul

We're not too proud in despair

Through His grace we are here

Our life's just a menu seen in God's eyes

No sooner born than we start to die

"Lord give me peace in my soul"

Teach me to say

And when nothing goes my way

Lord give me peace in my soul

Peace in my soul, peace in my soul

Relevant Tags:
PPeace IIn MMy SSoul eace n y oul ePace nI yM oSul 0eace jn jy zoul 0Peace jIn jMy zSoul P0eace Ijn Mjy Szoul leace 9n ky woul
lPeace 9In kMy wSoul Pleace I9n Mky Swoul oeace ln ny doul oPeace lIn nMy dSoul Poeace Iln Mny Sdoul Peeace on Myy eoul Pace oIn M eSoul
Paece Ion My Seoul Psace kn Mg xoul Pseace kIn Mgy xSoul Pesace Ikn Myg Sxoul P3ace 8n Mh aoul P3eace 8In Mhy aSoul Pe3ace I8n Myh Saoul
Pface un M6 Sooul Pfeace uIn M6y Sul Peface Iun My6 Suol Prace Inn Mu Skul Preace I Muy Skoul Perace In Myu Sokul P4ace Im M7 S9ul
P4eace Imn M7y S9oul Pe4ace Inm My7 So9ul Pdace Ih Mj S0ul Pdeace Ihn S0oul Pedace Inh Myj So0ul Pwace Ij Mt Slul Pweace Mty Sloul
Pewace Inj Myt Solul Peaace Ib Siul Pece Ibn Sioul Pecae Inb Soiul Pezce Souul Pezace Sol Peazce Solu
Peqce Sohl Peqace Sohul

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