Sonny James
I'll Keep Holding On (just To Your Love)

(Your love holding to your sweet love your love holding to your sweet love)

I'll keep holding on just to your love when all else
is gone I'll have your love

With your hand in mine till the end of time I'll keep holding on to you

(Your love holding to your sweet love your love holding to your sweet love)

I'll be by your side when you need me always by your side when you need me

Hold you in my arms you'll be safe from harm I'll keep holding on to you

(Your love holding to your sweet love your love holding to your sweet love)

[ choir ]

I'll keep holding on just to your love I'll keep going
on just with your love

And each passing day from my heart I say I'll keep holding on to you

(I'll keep holding on to you)

Mirror lyrics:

(I'll keep holding on to you)

And each passing day from my heart I say I'll keep holding on to you

on just with your love
I'll keep holding on just to your love I'll keep going

[ choir ]

(Your love holding to your sweet love your love holding to your sweet love)

Hold you in my arms you'll be safe from harm I'll keep holding on to you

I'll be by your side when you need me always by your side when you need me

(Your love holding to your sweet love your love holding to your sweet love)

With your hand in mine till the end of time I'll keep holding on to you

is gone I'll have your love
I'll keep holding on just to your love when all else

(Your love holding to your sweet love your love holding to your sweet love)

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II'll KKeep HHolding OOn ((just TTo YYour LLove) 'll eep olding n just o our ove) 'Ill eKep oHlding nO j(ust oT oYur oLve)
j'll leep jolding kn (jjust fo gour kove) jI'll lKeep jHolding kOn (ust fTo gYour kLove) Ij'll Kleep Hjolding Okn (ujst Tfo Ygour Lkove)
9'll oeep uolding 9n (kust 5o hour oove) 9I'll oKeep uHolding 9On (kjust 5To hYour oLove) I9'll Koeep Huolding O9n (jkust T5o Yhour Loove)
l'll meep nolding 0n (iust ho 6our pove) lI'll mKeep nHolding 0On (ijust hTo 6Your pLove) Il'll Kmeep Hnolding O0n (jiust Tho Y6our Lpove)
o'll jeep bolding ln (must yo uour oI'll jKeep bHolding lOn (mjust yTo uYour Lve) Io'll Kjeep Hbolding Oln (jmust Tyo Yuour Lvoe)
k'll ieep golding in (nust 6o 7our Lkve) kI'll iKeep gHolding iOn (njust 6To 7Your Ik'll Kieep Hgolding Oin (jnust T6o Y7our Lokve)
8'll Keeep yolding Onn (hust go jour L9ve) 8I'll Kep yHolding O (hjust gTo jYour L9ove) I8'll Keep Hyolding On (jhust Tgo Yjour Lo9ve)
u'll Ksep Hoolding Om (uust ro tour L0ve) uI'll Kseep Hlding Omn (ujust rTo tYour L0ove) Iu'll Kesep Hloding Onm (juust Tro Ytour Lo0ve)
I''ll K3ep Hklding Oh Too Yoour Llve) Ill K3eep Hkolding Ohn (jst T Yur Llove) Il'l Ke3ep Hoklding Onh (jsut To Yuor Lolve)
I'lll Kfep H9lding Oj (jhst Tk Ykur Live) I'l Kfeep H9olding Ojn Tko Ykour Liove) I'll Kefep Ho9lding Onj (juhst Tok Yokur Loive)
I'kl Krep H0lding Ob (j7st T9 Y9ur Lovve) I'kll Kreep H0olding Obn (j7ust T9o Y9our Loe) I'lkl Kerep Ho0lding Onb (ju7st To9 Yo9ur Loev)
I'ol K4ep Hllding (jkst T0 Y0ur Lobe) I'oll K4eep Hlolding T0o Y0our Lobve) I'lol Ke4ep Hollding (jukst To0 Yo0ur Lovbe)
I'pl Kdep Hilding (jist Tl Ylur Loce) I'pll Kdeep Hiolding Tlo Ylour Locve) I'lpl Kedep Hoilding (juist Tol Yolur Lovce)
Kwep (j8st Ti Yiur Loge) Kweep Hoding (j8ust Tio Yiour Logve) Kewep Hodling (ju8st Toi Yoiur Lovge)
I'lk Hokding (jjst Youur Lofe) Yor Lofve) I'llk Kepe Holkding (jujst Yoru Lovfe)
I'lo Kesp Hooding (jyst Yohr Lovee) (jyust Yohur Lov) I'llo Keesp Holoding (juyst Youhr Lov)e
I'lp Ke3p Hopding (jusst Yo7r Lovs) Hoplding (jut Yo7ur Lovse) I'llp Kee3p Holpding (juts You7r Loves)
Kefp Holdding (juzt Yokr Lov3) Holing (juzst Lov3e) Keefp Holidng (juszt Youkr Love3)
Kerp Holxing (juwt Yoir Lovf) Holxding (juwst Keerp Holdxing (juswt Youir Lovef)
Ke4p Holeing (judt Yo8r Lovr) Holeding (judst Yo8ur Lovre) Kee4p Holdeing (jusdt You8r Lover)
Kedp Holfing (juet Yojr Lov4) Holfding (juest Yojur Lov4e) Keedp Holdfing (juset Youjr Love4)

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